Ya know, it boggles my mind that in today’s age, there are still people like Harold Camping who make their living by trying to scare the living crap out of people. It’s even more mind-boggling that there are people stupid gullible enough
Simple Facebook Etiquette
You know, I didn’t think I’d really have to post a helpful hint like this, but it just happened to me. If you don’t like what someone posts on their Facebook (or other social media wall), then DON’T COMMENT on
What the…?
I’ve lived in Florida all my life. Only two other times I can remember it being this cold, but not for this long. The first was in 1976 or ’77, when it “snowed” very light flurries in the Tampa area
Open Letter to NY Publishers
(The article prompting this letter can be found here.) Okay, Simon and Schuster and Hachette, seriously, WTF? You are going to delay the release of ebooks for months after hardcover…why? “…Preserve your industry?” Seriously? Okay, let me explain some basic
"…but I’d need to get another extension cord to do it."
And just like that, my husband unwittingly gave me the title for this blog post. Now, I’ve blogged about my husband’s holiday decorations before. This year we’ve added more wire animals, another couple of blow-ups (including my favorite, the huge
I was mightily surprised to find out today, on this 40th anniversary of the moon landing, that there are some braniacs out there who honestly believe the moon landing was a hoax. Really? I guess these people turn themselves inside
Tweet, Twit, Twa…never mind…
I admit it. I’m a Twitter idiot. I mean, I’m pretty good at deciphering php and css code, can build and tweak templates for my website, finally figured out how to use Facebook (then the *&^%$s switched it around and
There goes the electric bill…
Clark (Griswold) Sr. and Jr. were busy last week at our house. These are the nicknames earned by my husband and son. My husband has already declared when he retires in a few years, the annual Christmas light display will