** Spoilers Ahead ** Time to discuss American Horror Story: 1984, episode 2!
#AmericanHorrorStory – Roanoke: The Finale *Sigh*
TV review: The Last Kingdom (Hint – I LOVED IT!)
I’ve been seeing the previews and promos for The Last Kingdom on BBC America and have been interested in seeing it since I missed Vikings. (Still need to see if that’s on NetFlix yet.) The premier episode aired last night
Killjoys! *sigh*
My newest obsession is the SyFy show, Killjoys. And not just because one of the male leads, Aaron Ashmore, looks like Chris Pratt (a la Guardians of the Galaxy). If Firefly met Cowboy Bebop and had a love child, it’s this.
Binge Watching Jericho…eh…
So a bad day of pain means a bed day of Netflix binge-watching something. Jericho is one of those series I’d always meant to watch when it came out and never did. So it came up on my Netflix queue
American Horror Story – Freak Show: My thoughts.
Now that the season is over and I’ve had a little bit of time to compile my thoughts on the matter, I want to whine about rehash the latest season of American Horror Story. (Freak Show, for those of you
Fargo, thank god it’s over.
Because I’m on deadline, I’ll sum up my expression after suffering through the final episode of Fargo in a spoiler-free series of memes quickly copied from the Interwebz by Google-Fu-ing the fark out of the word “seriously.”
Yes, I’m still watching Fargo on FX. No, I don’t know why. Wait, I do know why. It’s because I’m a little OCD in some ways, and I’ve made it this far, so now it’s sort of a trial by
Fargo Episode 1 – my blant.
*Spoiler Alert* You have been warned thusly, and so begins my blant (blog+rant). It’s taken me a week to process how I feel about episode one of Fargo (on FX, episode two is on tonight). Yes, I realize it’s not