Here’s a not-quite-safe for work excerpt from Reconsider Me (Suncoast Society 59, MM, BDSM). This is when the men first meet.

Joel finally called it a day at three, wanting plenty of time to get home, clean up, and rest before tonight. He would approach tonight with zero expectations. It would make things far easier on him that way. Maybe meet a nice guy, hang out, talk, beat his ass, make a new friend.


Except…nerves tried to set in. As he drove home, he struggled to clear his mind and just…breathe.

They wouldn’t set him up with a lunatic. They were serious about their questions to him. If whoever they’d vetted to pair him with was vouched for by someone the Frightful Five trusted, chances were the guy had a decent track record of not being insane.



He struggled after his shower to decide what to wear. Dress up a little and go with khakis and loafers? Look Dom-serious in jeans, black motorcycle boots, and a short-sleeved navy button-up?

He couldn’t decide.

Finally, he opted for the jeans. He didn’t want to dress up too much and feel out of place, and at the last event he’d attended at the Toucan, plenty of guys had worn jeans.

After eating something, a short nap, and then getting dressed, he texted Keith that he was on his way to Venture. He knew where the place was, had driven past it on his way home from work yesterday. Nondescript, located in a commercial warehouse complex, nothing outside to indicate it was a BDSM club. No purple flashing neon or half-naked women on billboards.


Just the way he wanted his private life kept.

He carried his toybag down to his car, for once not running into any of his neighbors to waylay him or ask uncomfortable questions about what he was carrying. When he arrived at Venture, he spotted Keith standing outside, talking to another man. Joel decided to leave his toybag in the trunk of his car for now, until he figured out if he even liked the guy or not.

And he was kind of hoping this guy wasn’t the guy they were introducing him to, because while he wasn’t bad-looking, he also gave off a distinctly Dommy vibe.

Then there was the matter of the wedding band on his left ring finger. Total non-starter.

“Joel, this is Jake, a friend of mine. He works with the guy we’re introducing you to tonight.”


Joel smiled, shaking with him. “Nice to meet you.”

“I’ve known him a couple of years,” Jake said. “He texted me he’s on his way here now. I’ve seen him play before, here at the club and at private parties. Despite his outward appearance, he’s a pretty heavy masochist. Sweetheart of a guy.”

“Forgive my skepticism, but why’s he single?”

“Usually it’s him breaking up with a guy. Honestly? I haven’t pried. I get the feeling from some of what he’s said that it’s due to a hard limit being crossed. What that limit is, I don’t know. I have never played with my friend, so I’ve never stuck my nose in. I figured if he wanted to volunteer it, he would. But likewise, I’ve never heard any Tops, including his exes, say a bad word about him. If there’s drama, he’s damned good at keeping it hidden. And I asked around.”

“That’s good to know. Don’t know if Keith told you, but I’m allergic to drama.”

Jake smiled. “Join the club. Let’s get you inside and get your paperwork filled out so we can show you around.”

The process was easy. They checked his driver’s license and ran his name through the USDOJ’s database of registered sex offenders. Then he filled out a form, handed over twenty-five dollars, and received a wristband. The woman running the counter, whose name badge read Jenny, playfully shooed him inside.

“Go on. Jake and Keith will give you the newbie talk. I need to keep the line moving.”

There were five people behind Joel, who’d come in while he was paying for his membership. Keith and Jake had stood there waiting, and he realized Keith wore a name badge on a lanyard, too. Jake wore a wristband.

“I DM at least one night a month,” Keith explained as he led Joel inside. “They run an all-volunteer crew. Everyone started out as a member, so they have a vested interest in keeping it going.”

The dungeon was, to Joel’s pleasant surprise, clean and spacious. Jake introduced Joel to his husband, Ben. Then Keith showed Joel around both sides of the space, Keith going over the rules as he did. By the time they returned to the tables in the social side, a guy was stepping in from the office.

“There he is,” Jake said, peeling off to go greet him. After a quick hug, Jake led the man over.

Calling him rail-thin was generous. Couldn’t be any taller than five nine, if that, at least six inches shorter than his own six three. Neatly styled brown hair, and young, although he looked older than a twink. Behind his wire-rimmed glasses, long lashes framed gorgeous, expressive brown eyes with what Joel suspected were flecks of amber in them, although in the dim light it was hard to tell. He wore khakis and a perfectly pressed button-up shirt. Joel got the impression that this wasn’t just a special night for him—he always dressed like this.

“This is Joel,” Jake said to the cutie.

Joel stuck his hand out. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

“Fenton,” the guy said, meeting Joel’s gaze. “Nice to meet you, too.” He spoke quietly and from the gentle, light grip of Fenton’s hand, one thought smacked Joel upside the head.

Jeez, if I stare at this guy too hard I’m gonna break him. How the hell am I supposed to play with him?


* * * *


Holy fucking shitballs on a buttered-up skillet, thank you, Universe!

Was he drooling? Fen hoped he wasn’t drooling, because Joel’s gorgeous blue eyes had already hardened Fen’s cock before he even found out the guy’s last name. And he had firm, coarse hands likely to leave gorgeous bruises all over his ass that would last for days.



“You can call me Fen,” he added, hoping the cutie didn’t think he was an idiot.

Cutie-pie smiled down at him—

And hot damn, yes, he’s fucking tall, too!

—and Fen sighed when he grabbed the man’s hand again. “Let’s go talk alone, shall we? Or am I moving too fast?”

He wanted to climb him and lick every square inch of him.

That would definitely be moving too fast, as well as it was frowned upon in that establishment.

Now at a private party where it was anything goes, sure…

“Sure,” Joel said, his lips curving in an adorably sexy smile that in comparison made Tom uglier than a zombie extra in The Walking Dead.

Tom? Tom who?

Fen fought the urge to drag the guy behind him. He led him across the room and over to the new side, where no one was playing yet. They had several couches for aftercare over here, and it was one of those that Fen led him to.

“So.” He offered Joel a smile, praying he wasn’t getting his hopes up for nothing. “Where would you like to start?”

Joel shrugged, still smiling. “I’m thirty-eight, Dom. Been a while since I’ve had a long-term relationship, because I had a really bad experience with a guy who turned out to literally be batshit. I value my privacy and now I take my time. Nothing personal, but I don’t do random hook-ups, or jump into bed after one date. I’m strictly monogamous, too. Playing with others in the dungeon is one thing, but if I’m dating a guy, I stay faithful, and I expect the same respect in return.”

Fen wanted to fall into his arms. Joel had a sweet, sort of deep, husky Southern drawl that finished hardening his cock. “I don’t do anal.”

Horrified, Fen clapped a hand over his mouth and begged for a hole to open in the floor so he could swan dive right into it.

That was not how he’d wanted to segue into that conversation. It’d simply spilled out of him.

Now all he could do was pray he hadn’t tanked this right from the start.

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Adult Excerpt: Reconsider Me (Suncoast Society 59, MM, BDSM)
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