Our hurricane prep list. Here’s a little look at just some of the stuff we have in our hurricane kit.
Yikes… Buh-bye, Dorian; new in print, and more. We were very fortunate Hurricane Dorian passed us by. Meanwhile, I now have canned chicken out the ass…
Updates and sundry (including a “see I told you so” wife moment). 8/18/2019 update, including a “see I told you so” wife moment, Farborn update, and more.
Fibrobrain strikes again – error with Farborn upload on Kindle preorder, please read! I screwed up and uploaded the wrong file version for the Kindle preorder for Farborn – please read if you preordered it!!
Now on third-party sites: Good Friends (Suncoast Society) Now on Kindle and other third-party sites: Good Friends (Suncoast Society, MM, BDSM) writing as Tymber Dalton.
#sneakpeek – Sneak peek from Farborn (Maxim Colonies 2) #SneakPeek from Farborn (Maxim Colonies 2) writing Lesli Richardson
#printreleases – Latest Suncoast Society print releases. #printreleases – Now in Print! Four Suncoast Society books: Follow Me, It’ll Be Fun, My Old Man, A New Chapter. (BDSM) Writing as Tymber Dalton.
#printrelease – Devastation Trilogy now available in print. Now in print: The Devastation Trilogy (MMF, Political Romance) by Tymber Dalton writing as Lesli Richardson.
#freebiealert – Massive multi-author e-book giveaway! #freebiealert Who wants to stuff their e-reader with FREE READS!!