To all our veterans past, present, and future, and to their families, thank you for your service, and for your sacrifice. I, personally, appreciate it. My dad and granddaddy were both veterans, and I’ve got several friends who are/were. I
Ah, Florida. (Alligator edition.)
I love my home state. I really do. Where else can you see stories about an alligator knocking on your door? And another alligator knocking on a different door a week later? (Still better than an uninvited preachy person, just sayin’.)
Ice Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 7) available for pre-order!
Now available for pre-order: Ice Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys Book 7), MFM, post-apocalyptic (NON-paranormal), military special ops. Available for Pre-Order: Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle,
#The Walking Dead (my thoughts on Glenn edition)
*SPOILER ALERT* If you’re reading past this point and haven’t seen the latest episode of The Walking Dead, then sorry, it’s your own fault. I’m going to talk about it. I’ve held my tongue long enough. * * * Okay?
Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween!
Hope everyone has a safe and spooktacular day! 🙂
Fitbit, new electronic buddy.
So I’m on day 4 of doing a new supplement. I do feel like I have a little more energy than I usually do, FWIW. Pain levels still the same, but unfortunately I’m used to pain. And I’m on day
Fibromyalgia, Fitbit, geekery, and why I canceled my Weight Watchers membership.
This will come as like zero shock to regular readers of this blog, but I am an unrepentant geek, especially when it comes to things like gadgets. Specifically, gadgets that will in some way simplify my life. No, I won’t
Write Your Ass Off: Preventing writing-related ouchies.
I blogged today over on the Write Your Ass Off blog about things I use to help mitigate repetitive-motion injuries/pain.
#notchilled Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit update (10/14/2015)
TV review: The Last Kingdom (Hint – I LOVED IT!)
I’ve been seeing the previews and promos for The Last Kingdom on BBC America and have been interested in seeing it since I missed Vikings. (Still need to see if that’s on NetFlix yet.) The premier episode aired last night
Ellora’s Cave: Correction, maybe you CAN’T get your books back… #notchilled
(UPDATE: Added text of Patty Marks’ e-mail to the ec_biz loop on 2/16/2015 emphasizing their redundant backups. Also added another screenshot from a different reader who was also told to include a receipt.) This is the reply a customer received
Ellora’s Cave: Customers can get books back by e-mailing. #notchilled
(NOTE: I’ve updated at the bottom, including a screencap one reader received. EC admits they are missing records for THREE YEARS. Follow-up post, including text of Patty Marks’ email to the ec_biz loop emphasizing they have redundant backups is HERE.)
Fibromyalgia, magnesium supplements, cardiologist quandary, and still looking for answers.
This is rambling, so feel free to ignore it if you want. I’m trying to get this out there for my own benefit (so I can remember it all) and in case it helps anyone, or anyone has any tips
#writerslife (the one-post version)
I have learned how to post animated .gifs on Twitter. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I immediately posted a seizure-inducing series of them under the #writerslife hashtag. A couple of them were too big to publish there, so I’m adding
Blessed Mabon and Happy Equinox!
It’s the first day of autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere. 🙂 So Blessed Mabon and Happy Equinox! 🙂 Namaste, peeps, and Blessed Be! 🙂 )0(