Wow, less than 24 hours into the experiment, and already 100 people have joined the event. Here’s the thing: I don’t like seeing (already) how Facebook has “trained” me to just “like” stuff rather than interacting with a little meaning
Screw you, Facebook. We’ll experiment on YOU.
I see Facebook as a necessary evil. It’s where most of my friends who live in my computer hang out, and as a writer, it’s a very large part of my social media platform. Facebook, however, thinks nothing about experimenting
The Denim Dom (Suncoast Society 5, mf, BDSM)
Snippet: It’s difficult to explain to someone what it’s like to dislike pain and yet crave the act of receiving it for another’s pleasure. It’s certainly not something I ever thought I would find myself doing. And it’s definitely not
Dear Traditional Publishers: It’s literally the nose on your face.
I’m sick and tired. SICK…and…TIRED. People bitching about Amazon (aka the ‘Zon) and their market share. Trad-pubs fighting tooth and nail to keep an archaic and unsustainable business model artifically afloat despite it not being profitable. There’s a REALLY easy
Backup Basics (Or, “WAAAAAH MY DATA IS GONE!”)
At least once or twice a week, I’ll log in to Facebook or Twitter to catch either the original post or replies to same-said post, of a fellow writer (sometimes literally) crying that their manuscript is GONE. Sometimes, the computer
Do you want to drive my tractor?
*falls over laughing* *self-explanatory* (Click here if the video doesn’t show up in your email.) Don’t forget, if you’re on Facebook you can come join my readers group, Tymber’s Trybe, where we tend to get a little rowdy in the
Sharknado 2 TONIGHT!
Yes, it’s time for Sharknado 2: The Second One TONIGHT on SyFy. (I still say the subtitle should have been “The Great White Way” in honor of Broadway. LOL) So, for your viewing pleasure, I present a cat in a
YES! Bye-bye bro-country!
This. Is. EPIC. THIS is the kind of country music I would like to see waaay more of. (Yes, Little Big Town is another that gets it right more than they get it wrong.) I grew up on country music
Will you help me hide a body?
Here’s your Monday evil earwig. Enjoy! 🙂
I miss Buffy.
There, I said it. I miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes, I have seasons 1 and 2 on DVD (and plan to eventually get them all). Yes, I know they’re probably available on Netflix or something. That’s not the point.
Tip to Unicorns: Do NOT approach your human too early in the morning.
Kindle Unlimited: Hmm…
Yeah, I received an email from Amazon this morning after having seen rumors about their new program for a couple of days. I’ve been asked what I think about this program, and honestly?Â
Respect the bubble!
Been a pretty horrible 24 hours in the news cycle. I’ve declared the Trybe a happy place. So if you’re on Facebook, feel free to come join us in our virtual blanket fort. I hear someone brought a Spirograph, and
Well, some people just refuse to hear the truth.
A follow-up from my blog post yesterday where I took on yet another radical feminist who insists that all BDSM is abuse, regardless of consent or not. Apparently, the blogger doesn’t like hearing the truth, that the examples they used
Yet another one where I take on radical feminists’ views about BDSM.
Oh, look. Someone on the Interwebz is having a butthurt cow about consensual BDSM practices. It’s an older article, but one I was only pointed toward just today. *sigh*Â Here’s my response to them, because I seriously doubt they’ll let