Adult Excerpt: "Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed (Bk 1)"

“Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed,” the first book in my Good Will Ghost Hunting series, has been re-released by Siren-BookStrand, and is a great read for this time of year. Think “Ghosthunters” meets “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” (And I picture Nathan Fillion as Will, and Matthew McConaughey as Aidan. *grin*) Description [Siren Classic: … Read More

New to print!

I just had a slew of books go to print in the past few weeks! 🙂 So if you’ve been waiting for print versions, here they are. The Reluctant Dom(mfm, BDSM) Love Slave for Two: Reunions [Love Slave for Two 3](mmf, mild BDSM) More Than Make-Believe(mm, contemporary) Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will … Read More

Release Day! "Good Will Ghost Hunting: Hell’s Bells (Bk 2)"

Woot! It’s release day!! Description [Siren Classic: Erotic Paranormal Romance, with M/M not involving the hero, demons, HEA] Kal doesn’t just have personal demons—she’s marrying one. Kalyani Martin, a Baptist minister’s daughter, intended to save herself for the right guy. She just never realized he would be Will Helloenboek, The Firm’s head archdemon. Between … Read More

Available for Pre-Order: "GWGH: Hell’s Bells (Bk 2)"

“Good Will Ghost Hunting: Hell’s Bells,” the second installment in my Good Will Ghost Hunting series, is now available for pre-order. (Releases Monday, July 16.) Description [Siren Classic: Erotic Paranormal Romance, with M/M not involving the hero, demons, HEA] Kal doesn’t just have personal demons—she’s marrying one. Kalyani Martin, a Baptist minister’s daughter, intended … Read More

Release Day: "Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed"

Woot! It’s release day for “Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed,” the first book in my Good Will Ghost Hunting series. I’m so glad Siren is re-releasing it. (And it means now I can get back to finishing the series!) Hunky demons…mmmm yummy! 🙂 Description [Siren Classic: Erotic Paranormal Romance, demons, HEA] Can you … Read More

Pre-order: "Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed (Bk 1)"

“Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed,” the first book in my Good Will Ghost Hunting series, is being re-released by Siren-BookStrand and is now available for pre-order: [Siren Classic: Erotic Paranormal Romance, demons, HEA] Can you find Heaven on Earth in the arms of an archdemon? Bet your soul on it. Kalyani Martin is … Read More

Coming Soon: "Love Slave for Two: Reunions"

I realized yesterday as I was briefly basking in my relief at having submitted “Love Slave for Two: Reckoning (Bk. 4)” to my publisher that I don’t think I’ve officially announced release dates lately. LOL (Although I do keep the Coming Soon page updated.) July 2: “More Than Make-Believe” July 9: “Good Will Ghost Hunting: … Read More

Where are the Good Will Ghost Hunting books?

I’m pleased to announce that both my Good Will Ghost Hunting series, as well as “More Than Make-Believe,” are going to be re-released by Siren-BookStrand. Which means I can finally get the other four books in the GWGH series, as well as the other two stories in the MTM-B trilogy, finished. 🙂 I can’t tell … Read More