Library e-book availability. Does your local library system use Overdrive or Hoopla? Guess what? My Lesli Richardson titles are available through there!
Looking for some spooky reads this month? Looking for some spooky reads to make you shiver this Halloween?
Now in Print: A Bleacke Christmas (Bleacke Shifters 5) A Bleacke Christmas is now in print! (Despite my fibrobrain… LOL)
#FreebieAlert – Politics, shmolitics… How about a no-risk sample? How about a free sample from my book Governor?
AHS: 1984, Episode 2 thoughts (SPOILER WARNING) ** Spoilers Ahead ** Time to discuss American Horror Story: 1984, episode 2!
#TimeMachineSpecial – A Roll of the Dice for only .99 My backlist title A Roll of the Dice is available for only .99 for a limited time!
Our hurricane prep list. Here’s a little look at just some of the stuff we have in our hurricane kit.