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Because I’m not enough of a masochist apparently, I’ve jumped into wanting to learn Norwegian. (No, not at all because I want to watch Trolhunter or the Norwegian train documentary without subtitles…)

I mean, okay, that’s the biggest reason why a little of the reason why. I know a trip to Norway isn’t in our immediate future, (probably not even in the next year or two) but I’m a Taurus, which means I prepare ridiculously ahead of time.

But Tymber, shouldn’t you be focusing on FINALLY mastering Spanish, since you’ve taken it and French and Italian more than once and eventually want to translate your books into other languages, and you live in the fricking middle of FLORIDA, where a goodly percentage of the population speaks Spanish?

Shut up.

Yes, Spanish is still right up there on the tippy-top of my list.

Trollhunter, however, is not in Spanish.

Yes, I’m being irrationally stubborn about this, and I give no flying fucks about that, either.

Hubby opened the Amazon package today, sighed, handed them over, and said, “Well, there goes my idea number one for your Christmas presents.”

Sorry, honey.

I love the Babel app, but I also like having written materials in front of me to study.

There’s also another reason I want to learn Norwegian, because of the Viking re-enactment group I’m part of. I haven’t had a lot of time to get out with them lately, but hopefully life will settle down soon so I can. I think it’d be cool to know Norwegian.

I guess if you know Norwegian, it makes some similar languages easier to understand, like Danish and Swedish.

And y’all know I’m all about IKEA.

Obviously, knowing Spanish/French/Italian fluently would be fan-fucking-tastic, so I could translate my books myself into those languages. One day, maybe I will be.

But dangit, I want to learn Norwegian.

(Yes, this will end up in a book eventually, I’m sure. It’s kinda what I do.)

What language has been on your bucket list?

PS – Yes, I’m working on the next Suncoast Society book, but it’s very emotional and taking me a while. Meanwhile, I’m wrapping up the next two Triple Trouble books and Good Will Ghost Hunting books 3-6 to submit all of them at the same time.

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Hva sa du? (Exactly.)

6 thoughts on “Hva sa du? (Exactly.)

  • September 11, 2019 at 2:39 pm

    Lol, I obviously already speak Norwegian, but I love that you want to learn it not living here. Homework for today: Hei, jeg heter Teresa. Hva heter du? Jeg er sulten. Hvor er toalettet? Kan du være så snill å bruke pisken denne gangen?

    • September 12, 2019 at 12:39 pm

      HAHAHAHAHA! Hi, jeg heter Tymber. I’m not eating in the toilet. And I might need to pick your brain for kinky translations. LOL <3

      • September 12, 2019 at 2:49 pm

        For sure, just hit me up and I’ll provide any assistance you need!

  • September 11, 2019 at 2:53 pm

    Good for you, trying to learn a new language can be frustrating. I took 4 years of French in college because I thought “why not”? But I live in the middle of the US! Not too many native French speakers in Nebraska and the chance of me getting to France (or even Quebec) are about as good as a snowball’s chance in that hot place! 🙂 I’m also super excited about the new Good Will Huntings coming out! I will have to read the others again (no hardship there!). Please tell me Ryan gets an HEA? Just a hint? 🙂

    • September 12, 2019 at 12:43 pm

      So I’d had Spanish before, but in 7th grade I took French and barely passed it. It wasn’t that I couldn’t pronounce words, but I couldn’t master verb conjugation. Apparently our teacher sucked, because she didn’t EXPLAIN there were patterns to conjugating and have us memorize the irregular verbs while teaching us the patterns. I thought they were ALL different. (I wasn’t the only one with that problem.) When I took it again in college, I literally aced it despite missing classes all the time. LOL By then I’d had more Spanish, and Italian. (Which was funny, because I had Spanish after Italian in high school, the teacher spoke and taught both, and it was a first period class. I got called on all the time because my pronunciation was spot-on. She asked me to count and I was barely awake, and I rattled it off in Italian. She laughed and said that was perfect, but try it again in Spanish. LOL

      And no hints on Ryan…but hopefully everyone will be happy with what happens. LOL

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