The Deep Space Mission Corps is a character-driven, futuristic, sci-fi, space opera MMMF menage/reverse harem series centering around the crew of the Tamora Bight. Set in the future, it follows the adventures of Dr. Emilia Hypatia and her three men, Caph, Ford, and Aaron, as they learn to become a crew and, even more, a family. Other crews introduced in the first four books will be featured in future books as well.

(Sci-fi/space opera romance, MMMF, reverse harem, why choose, crossed swords, angst, second-chance love, wounded heroes, HEA)

Writing As: Tymber Dalton

Books 1-4 are also available in print as a 4-book omnibus: Amazon | B&N (They are available individually in e-book format.)

There are more books planned for this series.

Deep Space Mission Corps