Am I too ___ for BDSM?

tl;dr answer: No.* * As long as the ___ question isn’t “young.” You must be at least 18 years old, or whatever the age of legal adulthood is in your place of residence. I get this question at least once a week from readers who’ve discovered my Suncoast Series books and want to learn more about … Read More

Frankensteining my fibromyalgia.

Apparently I’ve coined a phrase, according to some of my peers on a FetLife group I’m on for kinksters with fibromyalgia. LOL I mentioned in a discussion about the various vitamins and supplements I’m tweaking and using to manage the symptoms of my fibromyalgia that I was “Frankensteining” my fibro. I guess that was a … Read More

Quitting Cymbalta (so far, so good)…

UPDATE: Today is one week since my last dose of Cymbalta, and actually feeling REALLY good. Mood swings are pretty much gone (although I do keep joking about “not killing” anyone LOL). Hubby said that yes, the past several days I seem really good. I’m still only taking the 10mg Flexeril at night like I … Read More

Quitting Cymbalta (and it isn’t pretty).

This pretty much describes me (partly) the past few days. Yes, Hubby is still alive. Sir (lucky Him) is several states and several thousand miles away on vacation and out of harm’s reach… LOL I suppose I should back up a few steps. Okay, for those of you who follow me on a regular basis, … Read More

Loooong days, longer nights.

Last week was a difficult week for me. Annie’s funeral was on Thursday, then I got home from that to find out about the piracy of my books. (Yes, the person apologized for it, and yes, I do believe they’re sorry and won’t do it again.) No, not a good day, for sure. I’m not … Read More

Slowing and steady (although chomping at the bit).

So I’ve done something that I think has even startled the heck out of my hubby: slowed down. Being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, being put on Cymbalta, what really is some serious medication for it (when you’re taking a medicine they strongly recommend you don’t quit cold turkey, you know it’s serious), and doing a lot … Read More

And a new chapter begins.

So I went to see my GP doc last week. The past several months I’ve been feeling lousy, no energy, pain levels going up, etc. And with a history of cancer in my family, and considering I’ll be 40 next year, I figured it’s time I start getting some serious baseline tests done. He ordered … Read More