#FreebieAlert 11/16/2016 – Chewed through my restraints edition and some #PeepPimpage

#FreebieAlert 11/16/2016 – Chewed through my restraints edition and some #PeepPimpage

*Despite Hubby and Sir’s and several friends’ best efforts, Tymber chews through her straitjacket straps, logs into website, and flashes manic Xanaxed grin* Did something happen last week? *cue crazed Joker giggling* Nothing? Nothing at all? Ahem. Seriously, it’s only been the Hamilton soundtrack that’s kept me remotely sane this past week. (http://amzn.to/2fPrQ3i) Honestly, all … Read More

Tymber Dalton Special Collection 1

If you are subscribed to the alerts for my author page at BookStrand, you probably received an e-mail yesterday about a new preorder for my Tymber Dalton Special Collection 1. Some of you might or might know I wrote three books as Macy Largo and Tessa Monroe for Siren. (Hence why those pen names are … Read More

March? ALREADY?? Ugh.

I can’t believe it’s freaking MARCH already. Seriously, I. Can’t. Even. I got By the Embers Dies the Fire (Triple Trouble 8) submitted yesterday to Siren. (So please either call off the voodoo dolls, or someone scratch that dang itch in the middle of my back that I can’t reach, thanks!) I won’t be updating … Read More

More to come…

I’ve gotten asked this question several times over the past couple of weeks. Yes, I’m still going to be writing more books in the Suncoast Society. But my other series are now screaming at me to write them. Since I’ve gone through my supply of “trunk books” I had for the Suncoast Society, it’s time … Read More

Coming Soon: Drunk Monkeys 7 and 8 (and 9 and 10)

I have tentative release dates for Ice Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 7) and Code Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 8) from Siren. Keep in mind they’re possibly subject to change. (Once I have release dates for books 9 and 10 I’ll post those as well.) Ice Monkeys – November 20, 2015 Code Monkey – December 4, 2015 Monkey … Read More

Something weird in the air?

A quick informal poll of my Facebook peeps has them agreeing that it’s not just me. There’s just a weird energy today I can’t put my finger on. Not bad, just…weird. I’m hoping my latest flare (which has been torturing me for a couple of months now) is finally starting to ease. If only the … Read More

Latest News

Sapiosexual (Suncoast Society 14, MFM) is available for pre-order and releases this Friday, 1/30/15: http://www.bookstrand.com/sapiosexual And A Very Kinky Valentine’s Day (Suncoast Society 15, MFM, MMF, MF) is also available for pre-order. Latest Releases: Crafty Bastards (MMF) | A Merry Little Kinkmas (various) | A Lovely Shade of Ouch (MF) | His Canvas (MF) And Siren has … Read More