Did you get an e-book reader under the tree?

Are you one of the lucky ones who got your very first e-book reader or tablet (where you can install e-reader apps) under the tree? Regardless of the brand, there are many similarities and you should know a few basic facts. 1. You are NOT locked into only buying e-books from the reader’s manufacturer. You … Read More

E-reader Comparison.

Okay my little blog buddies, I’ve been playing around with my Kindle 2, nook, and older Sony e-reader, and while I don’t have all the answers, I am ready to share a few things I’ve discovered. All three of these players have a computer-based reader you can use. Kindle 2: Amazon’s Kindle reader is also … Read More

E-book conversions.

Since we now own a Sony e-reader, a Kindle, and a nook, I’m working on a comparison post on all of them. In the meantime, you can visit Calibre’s site at: http://calibre-ebook.com/ and use it to convert files to write to the devices. (Yes, that means even to your Kindle.) It’s free software, and allows … Read More

When will it be on KINDLE???

I’ve been getting this question at least once a day on average now. For those of you with Kindles who want to read books without having to wait for the Kindle version to come out, you’re in luck! I did some digging. This also means you are no longer tethered exclusively to Kindle content. I … Read More