Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to my US peeps! I appreciate you buying and reading my books. 🙂 I’m very grateful to all of you, since I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you. <3 May you all have a safe and happy holiday! Here are a few smiles for you today. 🙂 WKRP “As God is my … Read More

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow American peeps, and Happy Thursday for everyone else! 🙂 In Case You Missed It Code Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 8) available for pre-order. Ice Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 7) now available. Impact (Suncoast Society 32) now available on all third-party sites. The Denim Dom (Suncoast Society 5) now available in audiobook.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow US peeps! (Happy Thursday to everyone else. LOL) I’m thankful for my family, pets, friends, readers, and the fact that I’m blessed enough to be able to work doing my dream job. It’s time once again to trot out one of my absolute favorite Thanksgiving favorites. Count Boogie and “How … Read More

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all my readers here in the US (and to all our troops and their families stationed overseas) have a Safe, Happy, and Blessed Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for Hubby and Sir, for my family (two- and four-footed), friends, and friends who are like adopted family; I’m thankful I’m lucky enough to do what I love … Read More