Wow. Amazon, reality-challenged, much?

Okay, let me state up front, I am NOT an Amazon hater. Nor am I a “hater” of Hachette. I hate stupidity. I make a majority of my sales via Amazon. I would say that 75% of my earnings probably come from there. So I’m no rabid-anti-‘Zonian, at all. (And believe me, that’s not anywhere close to … Read More

Kindle Unlimited: Another point.

Here’s another blog to add onto my one about Kindle Unlimited from the other day. This came out on Publishers Lunch today and is another good point I hadn’t even thought about yet. Thoughts? Anyone using KDP Select seeing any traction for their titles now that KU is live and active?

Writer Beware: Amazon KDP account settings

I got this tidbit from Indie BookSpot blog this morning. If you sell your books on Amazon KDP, go check your account settings. Chances are, your US payment was switched from EFT to check. When I checked, yep, sure enough, they’d done it to me, too. Worse, my address is outdated, still at our other … Read More