It’s hard work being a Grimmy kitty. LOL Happy Friday, peeps!
Welcome, Gidget’s Minion, Sheldon (Or…How we came to own a Russian tortoise.)
We have a few rules around our house. Well, okay, not rules, exactly, but things that make life in general run more smoothly. One of those is I usually should not be allowed to go, unescorted, to places like the
Texts from Gidget 1
This is what we have to put up with. Don’t let her cute looks fool you.
Sharknado 2 TONIGHT!
Yes, it’s time for Sharknado 2: The Second One TONIGHT on SyFy. (I still say the subtitle should have been “The Great White Way” in honor of Broadway. LOL) So, for your viewing pleasure, I present a cat in a
Welcome to the apupcalypse.
Apparently all my current work on my Drunk Monkeys series has Gidget a little nervous. She’s picked out her shotgun shells for the coming apupcalypse and is getting herself ready. Because, ya know, every apupcalypse requires a box (or five)
Gidget’s Tale of Woe.
When you’re a writer with very expressive animals, sometimes, this happens.
Pet Alert: FDA issues warning about toxic dog treats.
If you buy jerky or other treats for your pets, be VERY careful about where they’re made. The FDA has issued another warning for Chinese-sourced pet treats. Over 1,000 dogs reported dead, and thousands of others sickened. Look, if you
Day 9: And the siege has ended…
Day 9 of Hubby in Snowhio: I survived, despite the morning starting off by having to scoop a dead armadillo out of the ditch and throw it away because of the flock of buzzards in the front yard hovering over
Day 8: The end is in sight…
Day 8 of Hubby in Snowhio: Less than 24 hours until Hubby’s return. I think it comes not a moment too soon. I swore this morning that I heard several tiny voices chanting, “One of us…one of us…” out in
Day 7: The attacks continue…
Day 7 of Hubby in Snowhio: I am beginning to think the maow-maows are smarter than I thought they were in hiring outside assistance.. The damn outside bird returned this morning, attacking my office windows. Fortunately it’s raining now and
Day 6: They’ve contracted outside help…
Day 6 of Hubby in Snowhio: Apparently the maow-maows have contracted outside assistance. Since they can’t deprive me of caffeine or food, they’re attempting to drive me crazy(ier) with a damn bird beating against the window. It’s a juvenile blue
Day 5: They’ve changed tactics…
Day 5 of Hubby in Snowhio: Despite the maow-maows best attempts yesterday, I had coffee this morning in the new coffeemaker. Overnight, however, they did gravity-check a bag of peaches I had on the counter. Asshats. I believe now they’re
Day 4: I’m surrounded and outnumbered and the escalation has commenced…
Hubby left for Snowhio early Tuesday morning for 8 days, to visit his mom and other family. So today is Day 4. I’m at home with the furbabies, meaning it’s their semi-annual attempt to take me out of the equation
Texts from the pets – my version.
This: Okay? Here’s the version at MY house: From Apache (our 100+ pound Goldadore moose): Apache: OWT OF KAT FOOD.
Grimmy’s version of hot yoga, cat style.
Grimmy’s version of hot yoga, cat style.