Fargo Episode 1 – my blant.

*Spoiler Alert* You have been warned thusly, and so begins my blant (blog+rant). It’s taken me a week to process how I feel about episode one of Fargo (on FX, episode two is on tonight). Yes, I realize it’s not supposed to be a reboot of the movie. However.

Dear Schick: Screw you, you clueless twits.

Dear makers of Schick Quattro for Women, For some reason, you seem to think that the planet’s women are either richer than Scrooge McDuck, or pre-pubescent teenaged girls who don’t care about function over form. For the record, I neither go around sniffing the handles of my razors, nor am I a petite, eight-fingered monkey–which, … Read More

o_O Uh, say what?

Apparently, there is growing (and well-deserved) outrage over a man who appears to have been a fake sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s public memorial. Wow. Just…wow. The reports state the man is also receiving treatment for schizophrenia. If he’s mentally ill…well, okay, that doesn’t excuse what he did, but it begs the question…

Why I hate bullies.

So the events of the past 24 hours have been fun. LOL (“I do not think that word means what you think it means.” LOL) Let me start by saying that one of the parties is now claiming they had nothing to do with this whole scenario. That they’ve tried repeatedly to get in touch … Read More

Fuck you, Stephen King.

Dear Stephen King, Fuck you. Yes, you read that right. Fuck. You. You have apparently decided only you know what’s best for your readers, so you’ve decided to indefinitely put off releasing an e-book version of Joyland. Who gives a shit if we really WANT the e-book version, you make more than enough money you … Read More

O.M.F.G.L.M.F.A.O!! Deranged Sorority Letter LOLZ

You know…I’m hard to make outright laugh so hard I’m brought to tears by something I read. I’m a tough audience. I really am. However… I am currently sitting here with tears streaming down my face from laughter. And it’s not just the letter itself, it’s the comments that followed it that are Funny. As. … Read More