Today’s Holiday Guest: Karen Mercury

Today’s holiday guest is fellow Sirenista, author Karen Mercury. She shares why perhaps a two-fridge household could be a wise idea in some families… * * * Close Encounters of the Fruitcake Kind It’s a tradition in my husband’s Sicilian family to pass this fruitcake along every year from relative…to relative…to relative. I mean, they … Read More

Mint pie recipe.

Hubby made me the ULTRA NOMMY mint pie last night. NOMMMY! I don’t know where the original recipe came from (I got it via Facebook) but it’s DELICIOUS! We had baked tilapia, brocoli, and Alton Brown’s homemade stove top  mac and cheese. NOMNOMNOMMY! Mint Pie: Ingredients:1 cup (6 ounces) Nestlé Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate Mini … Read More