Dancing Under the Mistletoe now (sort of!) available!

Because some of the third-party sites are slooooooow…I’ve got Hubby’s Wolf Mallory short mystery Dancing Under the Mistletoe uploaded to most of them (will tackle Smashwords and Google tomorrow). Now it’s just waiting for them to all go live. It’s technically book 1.5 but someone *cough KINDLE cough* won’t accept decimal points (dummies) so it’s listed as … Read More

Hubby’s book is here!! :)

My Hubby isn’t just the World’s Best Husband(TM), he’s also a fantastic writer in his own right. And, we’ve FINALLY got his first novel published! He’s been working on it for several years, but life (and his career) got in the way. Now that he retired, he was finally able to get back to work … Read More