When you need a job done right, you need to call... the Drunk Monkeys.
The A-Team meets Mad Max meets The Walking Dead (without zombies). The Drunk Monkeys series is a MFM post-apocalyptic, near-future series (non-paranormal) featuring the men of the elite special ops military unit dubbed the Drunk Monkeys. These twenty men must work to locate and bring in the scientists who can stop the Kite virus from ravaging the world.
Unfortunately, there are those who want to control a Kite vaccine, and who will stop at nothing to try to ensure the Drunk Monkeys fail. Including a batcrap crazy preacher with apocalyptic delusions of becoming President of the United States.
There are ten books in the series, all of them MFM romantic pairings and HEA storylines. While this series is complete, there may be more stories later set in the same world with different groups of characters.
OTG: Off-the-grid. What the Drunk Monkeys are ordered to do, basically meaning they're in radio silence and operating completely independently to complete their last issued order until they're ordered back in.
SOTIF: Special Operations and Tactical Infiltration Force. The Drunk Monkeys are SOTIF1. There are 10 known SOTIF units, but several others that are totally black-ops and unknown to everyone except General Arliss, who is in charge of the program.
TMFU: (tim-foo) The Massive Fuckup. The short-code for the events that led up to and include July 29, 2142 when China nukes North Korea after Kite-infected patients are released over the North Korea/China border.