Don’t forget to drop by and take a peek at what’s going on at Sizzling Promo this week! 🙂
Yes, I’m still watching Fargo on FX. No, I don’t know why. Wait, I do know why. It’s because I’m a little OCD in some ways, and I’ve made it this far, so now it’s sort of a trial by
This. Right f*cking here. *drops mic and walks away* …ducks back in, drops THIS (also the MASSIVE stuff of <3 )
Pet Alert: FDA issues warning about toxic dog treats.
If you buy jerky or other treats for your pets, be VERY careful about where they’re made. The FDA has issued another warning for Chinese-sourced pet treats. Over 1,000 dogs reported dead, and thousands of others sickened. Look, if you
Consensual non-consent, rape play, and stay the hell out of my bedroom.
Cara Sutra has THE best blog I’ve ever read about summarizing CNC (consensual non-consent play, AKA rape play) in BDSM. DEFINITELY a must-read. You can take my rape fantasy when you non-consensually prise it from my kink dependent mind. The
Never Forget.
Brimstone Vampire series over at Dawn’s Reading Nook
Dawn’s Reading Nook is featuring my Brimstone Vampire series today if you’d like to stop by and check it out: CLICK HERE. Book 1 – Love and Brimstone Book 2 – Brimstone Blues Available in print and at third-party retailers
Ugh. (And Blessed Beltane!)
Blessed Beltane, and Happy May Day! Well, I dragged my ample ass back to the gym for the first time in over a year, since I injured my knee back in January, 2013. I’ve also been slipping on my online
Of Bollywood and Drunk Monkeys.
Yay, I have my Blue-ray disc of Wanted! Eh, the Bollywood one, not the Hollywood one. LOL This one stars Salman Khan (KHHHAAANNNNN!!!)– *clears throat* Ahem, sorry. I’ll be popping my Bollywood cherry on this one tomorrow, hopefully. It’s my
Severe weather info.
As I write this Sunday evening eastern time, there are severe tornado outbreaks in the south. If you’re on Twitter, I have a list of weather tweeters you can follow: Also, you can subscribe to the weather alert email
Time for me to learn Hindi…
The Bollywood awards were held here in Tampa this week. HUGE international deal. I don’t speak a lick of this language, but I do like the music. I picked up an album from iTunes this week of dance songs from
Pimp your sh*t post!
I’m in a mood for a random “pimp your shit” post. 🙂 I haven’t done one of these in a while. Let’s see how large my TBR list can grow from new books I’ll discover… LOL So, in the comments,
It’s all fun and games until someone Googles “spider p*rn.”
Ah, the Interwebz. Purveyor of recipes, cat videos, the Mighty ‘Zon…and spider porn. No, you probably do not want to Google search that and click on the Images tab. (It’s okay. I’ll wait while you do.) So how the fark
Admin troll bingo game.
In a group I recently joined (not about romance books) a moderator apparently just returned after an absence due to a death in the family and was remarking about a troll bitching about the group having a 1984 mentality (ie
Fargo Episode 1 – my blant.
*Spoiler Alert* You have been warned thusly, and so begins my blant (blog+rant). It’s taken me a week to process how I feel about episode one of Fargo (on FX, episode two is on tonight). Yes, I realize it’s not