Happy Earth Day, peeps! Save a tree–read an e-book! 🙂 I leave you with a snippet from Lost Bird (Coffeeshop Coven 2) now available for pre-order from Siren-BookStrand: Mandaline headed for the stairwell with a wave. “Unless you brought a
Tymber’s Trybe Facebook Group
BTW, if you missed the announcement, I’ve reactivated my Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/TymbersTrybe/ Feel free to come join us if you’d like. 🙂
Interwebz outrage, writer DNA, and what does it matter?
The one where I post a Monday blant (blog+rant) over on the Write Your Ass Off blog about…well, just read it if you want. LOL Interwebz outrage, writer DNA, and what does it matter?
Blessed Ostara and Happy Easter
Um, yeah. Found this fellow on a discount table at the grocery store last night. I THINK he’s supposed to be an Easter bunny. LOL Anyhoo, Blessed Ostara, Happy Easter, or have a great Sunday. 🙂
You don’t have to agree with it if it’s not YOUR life.
A great article crossed my Twitter stream this morning, and I’m so glad I happened to be on when it did. Polyamory works for us (Salon.com) Right there, that author stated things perfectly. *Warning: Rant ahead. Buckle your seatbelts and
Oh, the things you can see…
I love going to the flea market. We don’t get to go very often. But when we do, it’s always fun to do our own version of Jay Leno’s skit that he used to do on the Tonight Show about
Dear Schick: Screw you, you clueless twits.
Dear makers of Schick Quattro for Women, For some reason, you seem to think that the planet’s women are either richer than Scrooge McDuck, or pre-pubescent teenaged girls who don’t care about function over form. For the record, I neither
Want to learn about BDSM? Writers Lab is for you.
UPDATE: Registration closes Sunday, June 22, so if you’ve been holding off, it’s time to get your registration in. If you have any questions about this, you can contact the event coordinators at: [email protected] Friends of mine who run the
And now…
Whew! First-round edits for Lost Bird (Coffeeshop Coven 2) are turned in. (Coming 5/2 from Siren-BookStrand.) You know what that means, right? Yes. Let the hamster wheel spin again. LOL Starting work on the next WIP tonight or tomorrow. Problem
The Walking Dead: Terminus – see, I told you so…
*SPOILER ALERT* It took me this long (well, not really, I had a deadline to meet on Monday LOL) to finally be able to discuss the season finale for The Walking Dead. Ready to talk about the secret behind Terminus?
The Lyalls’ ranch.
As a life-long resident and native of the state of Florida, I’m in love with our geography. I set my Triple Trouble series based out of Arcadia, Florida. A lot of people don’t realize that, historically, Florida is a huge
Day 9: And the siege has ended…
Day 9 of Hubby in Snowhio: I survived, despite the morning starting off by having to scoop a dead armadillo out of the ditch and throw it away because of the flock of buzzards in the front yard hovering over
The Blacklist: Red was right!
*SPOILER ALERT!* Yes, I had to DVR The Blacklist Monday night because of DnD. But I just watched it. Shall we?…
Day 8: The end is in sight…
Day 8 of Hubby in Snowhio: Less than 24 hours until Hubby’s return. I think it comes not a moment too soon. I swore this morning that I heard several tiny voices chanting, “One of us…one of us…” out in
Day 7: The attacks continue…
Day 7 of Hubby in Snowhio: I am beginning to think the maow-maows are smarter than I thought they were in hiring outside assistance.. The damn outside bird returned this morning, attacking my office windows. Fortunately it’s raining now and