#LoveNotHate #OrlandoShooting
Send in the clones. (Please?!?) & #PeepPimpage
Go away, #Colin
Deadpool and Sparkles…
#YLO #essentialoils – What oils I diffuse when working.
#PurpleTears – RIP Prince.
#BDSM – There is no “right” way, much less a “one” way.
I teach a monthly Lifestyle 101 class at the local BDSM club I volunteer at. One of the first things I talk about is that, aside from safety issues, as long as everyone is a human, consenting adult (over the
#BugReport MacBook Air, Avast, Bright House, IPv6 setting, and problems using sites that aren’t https
If you’re not a geek this might not interest you. (You have been warned.) I have a MacBook Air running Yosemite 10.10.5, using Chrome and Safari. And I run Avast. We had Verizon Fios, but with the fustercluck that was
“Asking” for it? #consentmatters
For every guy who thinks that a woman is “asking” to be sexually assaulted because she’s not wearing conservative clothing, just remember – that’s the equivalent of a woman being able to come up and give you a nice HARD
I’m done. #TheWalkingDead #jumpedtheshark #TWDFinale
*sigh* If you haven’t watched the season 6 finale of The Walking Dead — spoilers. If my tone sounds resigned, well, it is. Breaking up is usually hard to do…except this time. They made it damned easy for me. Yes,
The Walking Dead, ICYMI – Webisodes
I’ve been fighting a real-life “the walking dead” around Chez Dalton this week. Despite getting a flu shot, I got the flu. Ugh. Hubby missed the worst of it but he’s a raging snot-monster right now. I spent all day
#moarcowbell2016 #Ricktatorship #Carlmunism #GrimesGrimes2016
(Apparently people are now trying to strip my watermarks off the original Walken-Busey meme I posted. Assshoooooles! Yes, I did create that particular one, and if you look at my Facebook page where I first posted it, you can see
So I created a meme, and…apparently…um…well…yeah… LOL #moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016
So here’s the thing. Those of you who follow me know I have a very…odd sense of humor. Last Thursday, I literally spent five minutes in Pixelmator creating something that made ME giggle because I am sooo totally over this
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016 (I should be writing…)
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016 I really should be writing…