Subscribe to my newsletter and never miss an update! (Affiliate links included.) I’ve talked about my fibromyalgia before. One of the things that causes me issues is I haaaaaate “real” bras. Not just hate them, but they’re literally painful for
Resolutions, shmesolutions.
It’s that time of year…
Think BEFORE you blow up and don’t do THIS…
So I posted a couple of comments on Facebook this morning about that Anonymous Author book that’s “supposedly” a retelling of a story by one author to another about how the other author cheated on her husband and isn’t fond
More Frankensteining my #fibromyalgia – Magnesium Oil
#YLO #essentialoils – What oils I diffuse when working.
#fibromyalgia #CFS NingXia Red juice update from me.
Note: I’m not a doctor, I don’t play one on TV, and consult with your health-care provider. This is just MY experience. YMMV. Y’all know me. I endorse stuff I like, believe in, etc. I’ve been using the NingXia Red
#Fibromyalgia #spoonie Essential oils for pain relief.
**** DISCLAIMER! I am NOT a doctor, I am NOT a health professional. Any advice I give here is applicable ONLY to my experience. Your results may vary, consult your health care professional before doing anything, research your ass off,
Yay, it’s Fibromyalgia Friday, #FreebieAlert and other randomness.
Appointment with my GP yesterday. Last week, appointment with the cardiologist. The cardiologist upped the meds to twice a day instead of once a day since they seem to be helping the symptoms I was having. Symptoms they cannot tell
Fitbit, new electronic buddy.
So I’m on day 4 of doing a new supplement. I do feel like I have a little more energy than I usually do, FWIW. Pain levels still the same, but unfortunately I’m used to pain. And I’m on day
Fibromyalgia, Fitbit, geekery, and why I canceled my Weight Watchers membership.
This will come as like zero shock to regular readers of this blog, but I am an unrepentant geek, especially when it comes to things like gadgets. Specifically, gadgets that will in some way simplify my life. No, I won’t
Write Your Ass Off: Preventing writing-related ouchies.
I blogged today over on the Write Your Ass Off blog about things I use to help mitigate repetitive-motion injuries/pain.
Fibromyalgia, magnesium supplements, cardiologist quandary, and still looking for answers.
This is rambling, so feel free to ignore it if you want. I’m trying to get this out there for my own benefit (so I can remember it all) and in case it helps anyone, or anyone has any tips
Frankensteining my fibro: Update 9/20/2015
While I’m awaiting my next visit with my cardiologist to get the results of my stress test and echocardiogram, I need to post an updated supplement post. (Oh, heh, yeah, funny story. I’m showing signs now that might be POTS
Something weird in the air?
A quick informal poll of my Facebook peeps has them agreeing that it’s not just me. There’s just a weird energy today I can’t put my finger on. Not bad, just…weird. I’m hoping my latest flare (which has been torturing