There has been a valid point brought up that I want to make sure I clarify, since I cannot remember all the places I have clarified it. (Fibrofog is a bitch, so…blog post.) And I’m tired of repeating myself, so,
Why you trust your gut: #BDSM and predators in the lifestyle. (Charles Michael Segaloff / Michael Makai arrest)
Information about sexual predator and registered sex offender Charles Michael Segaloff, aka self-proclaimed BDSM “expert” and author Michael Makai, aka Michael McKay, aka Michael Sage
Write Your Ass Off: Historically based non-con romance? DO. NOT. WRITE. IT.
Shocker (not) I have another rant today, about writers who try to sexeh up horrific historical events all in the name of “free speech.” (Spoiler Alert: They’re doucheballs.)
#notchilled Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit update (10/14/2015)
Writer Beware: Ellora’s Cave versus Dear Author lawsuit update 9/16/2015
Kim Davis deserves to be in jail.
(Warning: Ranty Pants are ON.) Kentucky clerk Kim Davis deserves to be in jail, and kudos to the judge for not simply fining her, which might allow her supporters to rally around and raise funds for her, not allowing her
Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit update 9/2/2015
I’ve posted an update over on my Write Your Ass off blog about the Ellora’s Cave versus Dear Author lawsuit.
Copyright Infringement – It’s not just about the text.
Photographer Jon Paul Ferrara posted today on Facebook about finding some of his artwork illegally used as covers on e-books available on Amazon. It has been brought to my attention Amazon is republishing my artwork on e-books being sold throughout
Repost: Asshole Alert: Cyber PC Experts, Super Scammers!
This is a complete repost from Heidi Cullinan’s post at: Please, please, please, visit her blog and reblog it, retweet it, share it on Facebook and Google+ and everywhere. So on August 20th, my mother went to a
The Great Washhouse Rat War of 2015.
We live in the house my grandparents built back in 1950 or so. I was practically raised here I spent so much time here growing up. And we have a shed out back that’s always been called the “washhouse” because
KU info and Amazon WTFery – Reviews rejected/removed?
Two different ‘Zon topics to touch upon today, the new KU/KOLL payment structure, and the ‘Zon’s sooper-seekret sawce algorithm review removal process for…reasons? (What reasons, apparently, we’re not allowed to know.) New KU/KOLL Payment Structure Hugh Howey (as always) does
F*ckery afoot – TOR Books throws editor under the bus to appease misogynistic and homophobic trolls.
Yeah. That blog headline pretty much sums it up. Chuck Wendig, as always, has written a great summation that explains it. Sigrid Ellis also discusses it: (Note: Comments will be moderated. Trolls will be mercilessly mocked and made
Writer Beware: *sigh* Badly Behaving Authors – WTF edition.
Gather around close, kiddies. It’s time for Auntie Tymber to tell you another scary tale of *DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNN* Badly Behaving Authors!
Yay! Google is FINALLY getting off its ass about piracy in GooglePlay Books.
Remember a couple of weeks ago when I bitched about piracy in GooglePlay Books? Well, it hasn’t been just me bitching, either. Ink, Bits, and Pixels (formerly The Digital Reader) picked it up and ran with it, and has been
WTF GooglePlay Books? You are ALLOWING pirates to operate!
This shitstain of a cuntnugget needs to go down: ALL the books he has posted are ILLEGALLY POSTED. And I found out today, after discovering he’d posted at least one of mine, that authors have been sending takedown notices