Woot! It’s release day for my book Hot Sauce (Suncoast Society 26, MMF, BDSM): http://www.bookstrand.com/hot-sauce When Vanessa Riddick’s beloved older brother, Tony, aka Basco, dies unexpectedly, finding his journal leads to more discoveries…like his secret life and friendships in the
Amazon changes how book rankings are displayed.
Whoops, more Amazon news. I discovered something new when I logged into the ‘Zon this morning. Looks like they’ve changed their listing system for book rankings. You can now click on books and see where they are ranked in their
Updates about KU/KOLL pricing changes, Smashwords adds “assetless” pre-orders.
I contacted Amazon via e-mail about the new KU/KOLL pricing structures going into effect on 7/1/2015 to get answers to the questions I’d brought up in my first blog post on the matter. Also, keep reading after the jump to
Current Time Machine Discounts
I have three books currently available for only .99 from Siren-BookStrand as Time Machine discounts. Books that have been out for a couple of years, they have Time Machine discounts on the anniversary of their release. Hurry, because these discounts count
The further adventures of Sparkles the naughty unicorn…
We met a friend at the airport this morning to get his truck so he could fly out. We brought it home, and of course, Sparkles the naughty unicorn immediately asked about taking it out for a run through Ybor
Amazon KU and KOLL payment structure changing.
EDIT: I wrote to Amazon and actually talked to a representative on the phone to get these issues clarified. That blog post is HERE. From the “see, I told you so” files… Amazon has announced that they’re changing the payment
Ellora’s Cave versus Dear Author lawsuit: @pubnt’s motion to quash…DENIED.
The motion stands for itself. Thanks again to Courtney Milan for posting this. (I missed it when it first came out.) Bottom line? If you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing in terms of law, hire a damn lawyer
Friday Frappe – Recapping the cray-cray that was this week.
It’s been a crazy week around Chez Dalton, and I’m hunkered down deep in the #amediting and #amwriting cave with deadlines falling all around me like lava bombs… LOL Here’s a quick recap of the week, including new releases, soon-to-be-released,
Call the CDC – there’s a viral case of the stupids running amok.
There are way too many stupid people on the Interwebz today. Either that, or Mercury going direct again has warped everyone. Apparently, someone tasered book- and romland this week, because there’s a pretty rampant viral case of the stupids making
Now Available for Pre-Order: Hot Sauce (Suncoast Society, MMF, BDSM)
Look what’s available for pre-order! Hot Sauce (Suncoast Society 26, MMF, BDSM): http://www.bookstrand.com/hot-sauce When Vanessa Riddick’s beloved older brother, Tony, aka Basco, dies unexpectedly, finding his journal leads to more discoveries…like his secret life and friendships in the local BDSM
First Chapter: More Than Make-Believe (mm)
This is the first chapter and adult excerpt from one of my backlist titles, More Than Make-Believe. (mm, gay-for-pay) Buy Links: Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) Nook | Kobo | iTunes | Google Print: Amazon | B&N Description [Siren Allure ManLove: Erotic Alternative
Confession Time: Guilty reading pleasures edition.
*hangs head* It’s confession time. I must admit–although this comes as no surprise to anyone who’s in my Trybe group–that I snack on SyFy Asylum movies like Sharknado as if they were candy. Because they are. Delicious, naughty, calorie-free brain
F*ckery afoot – TOR Books throws editor under the bus to appease misogynistic and homophobic trolls.
Yeah. That blog headline pretty much sums it up. Chuck Wendig, as always, has written a great summation that explains it. http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2015/06/09/i-stand-by-irene-gallo/ Sigrid Ellis also discusses it: https://sigridellis.wordpress.com/2015/06/09/tom-doherty-placates-bigots-by-disavowing-irene-gallo/ (Note: Comments will be moderated. Trolls will be mercilessly mocked and made
New to Kindle: Out of the Spotlight (Suncoast Society 23)
My book Out of the Spotlight (Suncoast Society 23, MMF, BDSM) is now available on Kindle (meaning it’ll be coming soon to other third-party sites): Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) Description Nick knows his deepest secret—he’s a bisexual masochistic submissive—won’t
Release Day: Vicious Carousel (Suncoast Society 25)
My usual release day happy dance is fairly subdued today due to last week’s events and then overdoing things on Friday when I had energy. (Yeah, spoons don’t roll-over, and I had shit to get done.) Vicious Carousel (Suncoast Society