A New Age shop, a group of friends...and supernatural situations leading to love.

This series centers around the people who have connections to the Many Blessings New Age shop, and the ghost hunting activities there. It's set in Brooksville, Florida.

Series Facebook Page: Coffeeshop Coven series

One of the prequels, Out of the Darkness, was the 2010 EPIC winner for horror (writing as Lesli Richardson and published with another publisher). It was expanded to replace deleted material and re-released (writing as Tymber Dalton).

While all of the books are standalone and can be read independently of each other, the suggested reading order to avoid spoilers is as follows:

1) Out of the Darkness (Prequel) mf
2) Red Tide (Prequel) mf
3) It's a Sweet Life (Prequel) mfm
4) Many Blessings (Book 1) mfm
5) Lost Bird (Book 2) mfm

Related Books/Characters:

Characters from Out of the Darkness make a brief appearance in Red Tide.

Sachi also appears in Pretzel Logic (Suncoast Society).

There are more books planned for this series.

Coffeeshop Coven