Ugh. (And Blessed Beltane!)

Blessed Beltane, and Happy May Day! Well, I dragged my ample ass back to the gym for the first time in over a year, since I injured my knee back in January, 2013. I’ve also been slipping on my online WW stuff, getting my food tracked, etc. So time for me to get back on … Read More

On-on! Holy hashing, Batman!

So I went to my first hash today. If you don’t know what a hash is, they’re world-wide, and they’re drinking clubs with a running problem. LOL They’re bawdy, rowdy, fun as hell (and you don’t have to drink, I didn’t). Picture if you will a mix of Rocky Horror Picture Show-type adlibs with beer … Read More

Quitting Cymbalta (so far, so good)…

UPDATE: Today is one week since my last dose of Cymbalta, and actually feeling REALLY good. Mood swings are pretty much gone (although I do keep joking about “not killing” anyone LOL). Hubby said that yes, the past several days I seem really good. I’m still only taking the 10mg Flexeril at night like I … Read More

Quitting Cymbalta (and it isn’t pretty).

This pretty much describes me (partly) the past few days. Yes, Hubby is still alive. Sir (lucky Him) is several states and several thousand miles away on vacation and out of harm’s reach… LOL I suppose I should back up a few steps. Okay, for those of you who follow me on a regular basis, … Read More

Huh? Hmm.

Well, yesterday as I reported, I tipped the scales at 213.6. When I got on the scale today (yes, I know I’m only supposed to weigh myself on my weigh-in day) I was at 210. Same time of day, nothing different. Huh. The only thing I can figure is because Hubby and I had date … Read More