Friday it is, kitten have you…

Friday it is, kitten have you…

Who doesn’t want to watch a Jedi kitten? (I mean, seriously. It’s fricking adorable.) Rhymes With Orange (Suncoast Society 35, MMMF, BDSM) is FINALLY available on Nook. Yay! It’s now in ALL the places. Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU) Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT) | Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX) Kindle (BR) … Read More

Friday Funny: Baseball mascot with an appetite…

This has got to be one of the most clever and funniest damn things I’ve seen in a while that didn’t involve cats riding Roombas or dogs doing silly things. (And it’s even work-safe, how about that? LOL) (Click here if the video doesn’t display for you.)

Dogs vs. Cats: The Wake-up.

When you’re feeling like crap and trying to wake up, it is once again a stark reminder about the differences between dogs and cats. Dogs will be your buddy and try to wake you up gently. Gidget this morning cuddled next to me, checking on me, making sure I’m alive and breathing and amongst the … Read More

Howl-oween Smiles

Seriously, if this video doesn’t make you at least smile, then I don’t know what do to for ya. Enjoy, and Happy Howl-oween! (Click here if the video doesn’t show.) Latest Releases: Geek Chic (Bleacke Shifters 2) Flying Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 6) Dancing on a Tightrope (Hubby’s book)

Funky Friday Funny.

New. Favorite. Song. All About the Bass by Meghan Trainor. What a GREAT message in a fantastic song. Saw this last night on Jimmy Fallon (they did the thing with the school instruments) and LOVED it. Found the regular version. Both are linked in this post. (If the videos don’t show up in your email, … Read More

No corkscrew? No problem.

Guess this wouldn’t work on fizzy wines, but here’s something I never knew: you can open wine bottles with a shoe. Yep. Just watch. For those of you about to embark on Labor Day vacays without your corkscrew, you’re welcome. (Here’s the link if the embedded video window doesn’t open.)

I have no… I… WTF?

I just… I have no… I can’t… This is likely the funniest damn thing you’ll see all day. Just watch the damn thing. (Choking/spew warning, work-safe but a couple of swear words LOL.) Happy Friday! And, hey, I have a book on pre-order! 🙂