Handling David Bowie’s balls…

…no, not THOSE balls, you dirty pervs. I have a T-shirt from ThinkGeek.com that says “The Babe With the Power” on it. Which prompted a long-overdue Labyrinth rewatch. (Well, a first-time watch for Hubby, who didn’t get the reference on my T-shirt.) And then that led me to this. What the hell did we do before … Read More

Movie Review: World War Z

Note: If you haven’t seen World War Z, there will be spoilers in this review. You have been warned. Still with me? Okay, here we go. Let me start out by saying that if you like movies that are nothing BUT adrenaline-pumping action fests, then this is the perfect movie for you. If you like … Read More

Ed Wood *le sigh!*

Photo Credit I have to admit even though I haven’t seen all the Johnny Depp movies out there, Ed Wood has to be my favorite. (And I love Sarah Jessica Parker’s line, “Do I really have a face like a horse?” ROTFLMAO!) Ed Wood has become one of my favorite movies. Yes, I love old … Read More