Adult Excerpt: "Out of Bight, Out of Mind" (DSMC 4) by Tymber Dalton

The fourth book in my Deep Space Mission Corps series, “Out of Bight, Out of Mind,” is now available from Siren-BookStrand: Description [Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Futuristic Sci-Fi Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/M/M/F, HEA] Emi Hypatia loves her job exploring the galaxy with her three husbands, Aaron Lucio, Caph Bates, and Ford Caliban. When … Read More

Release Day: "Out of Bight, Out of Mind" (DSMC4)

First of all, I’m guest blogging today at two different blogs, on two different topics. Please stop by and chime in. When One is Not Enough: On productivity, burn-out, and keeping the brain minty fresh. The BDSM Authors’ Playroom: Which switch is which? *Snoopy dancing* It’s release day for “Out of Bight, Out of Mind,” … Read More

What am I up to now?

Yay, I survived Thanksgiving without adding too many pounds. LOL I hope everyone survived it safe and sound (and sane!). And tomorrow, Mercury goes from retrograde back to direct. (Can I have a hallelujah?) And on Friday, the fourth installment in my Deep Space Mission Corps series, Out of Bight, Out of Mind, releases from … Read More

Available for pre-order: "Out of Bight, Out of Mind" (DSMC4)

Woot! The fourth book in my Deep Space Mission Corps series, “Out of Bight, Out of Mind,” releases Nov. 30th and is now available for pre-order from Siren-BookStrand! 🙂 Description [Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Futuristic Sci-Fi Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/M/M/F, HEA] Emi Hypatia loves her job exploring the galaxy with her three husbands, … Read More

Monday miscellany.

Hmm, yeah, sometimes Mondays are just about like that. LOL Fortunately for me today, not the case. It’s the first day of October, meaning Samhain is right around the corner. Last night I submitted the manuscript for DSMC-4 (“Out of Bight, Out of Mind”) to Siren, so keep your fingers crossed! There is always a … Read More