Brrraaaiinnzzzz…writing menage and the zombie apocalyps.

What does the zombie apocalypse of “The Walking Dead” have to do with writing menage? Nothing…and everything. Click here to read my guest blog over at the “When One is Not Enough” blog to find out what I’m talking about:

Guest Blog: Writing menage.

I’m blogging today over at the “When One Is Not Enough” blog about writing menage relationships. Please feel free to stop by and add your two cents to the comments. 🙂 Click here.

Art imitating life, imitating art…

I’m blogging today over at the When One Is Not Enough menage authors blog on my own poly situation and the Showtime show, “Polyamory: Married and Dating.” Please stop by and check it out:

Guest blog: Open Your Mind Before Your Mouth

I’m blogging today over at the “When One Is Not Enough” menage authors blog. Topic? I’m taking on a pinhead ROMANCE AUTHOR who equated BDSM with “setting back the women’s movement.” (Oh no she did-uhnt!) Oh, yes she did, and I take her to task for it.