Scrivener: Labels.

I love Scrivener. Love love luuuurrrvve. Want to have its babies kind of love. When I first had to give up SuperNotecard and move to Scrivener, mid-manuscript, no less, I was dubious. I shouldn’t have worried. Scrivener has quickly won my heart. And the split screen feature is a HUGE plus. I love being able … Read More

The great Scrivener conversion update.

I mentioned a few weeks ago I’d had to ditch my previous writing program SuperNotecard due to it totally fucking not working anymore problems with it after a Java update broke it and the programmers’ not giving a shit lack of a timely response to addressing the issue. Thus since word slinging is sort of … Read More

Evernote users? Comments welcomed.

I’m taking a closer look at Evernote. I have the app, but haven’t really DONE anything with it yet. I keep hearing more about it, and would like your thoughts on it. (Seriously, please, comment if you’ve got any. LOL) Here are a couple of links I picked up about it. A) To share with … Read More

What’s the Word?

Ugh. I had to bite the bullet and buy Word today. I’ve survived for several years without it, opting instead for the fully-featured (and FREE!) Open Office software. But now we’re in the editing process with “Love & Brimstone” and the editor assigned to my manuscript uses the track changes feature. So I have to … Read More

Writing Software

Writing Software

I had a great time yesterday with the interview! Jordana and Stephanie were fantastic, and invited me back after their summer hiatus. One of the things we talked about was how I write, and I mentioned a software I use. NAYY – I am simply a happy customer. I use SuperNotecard by Mindola. The way … Read More