Suncoast Society – 58

(Contemporary romance, BDSM, power exchange, MMM, blended family, chronically ill hero, misappropriated barbecue implements, HEA)

Brandon thought raising a teenaged daughter tested the limits of his patience…until he attends a wedding in Iowa and meets some of Stuart’s family.

Writing As: Tymber Dalton
Release Date: September 8, 2017

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Life is starting to settle down for Brandon, Jeff, and Stuart. Raising a teenaged daughter frequently tests the limits of Brandon’s patience, until he meets some of Stuart’s family. Now he understands why Stuart craves the stability of their unusual poly pack.

Stuart doesn’t want to miss his sister’s wedding but he’s terrified of his oldest brother. It’s hard not to worry about their safety. Add becoming a parent to Emma, and Jeff’s health issues, and Stuart’s stress is through the roof.

Jeff knows his guys love him. Yet when a chance to return to work comes along, he’s desperate to take it so he doesn’t feel like a mooch. Only one problem—Emma and Grace will rat him out if his health tanks again. Can he juggle a job and a severe, chronic health condition? Worse, when danger rears its head, can he protect his family?

Add Grace and her barbecue fork of doom, and life proves even more…interesting.

Related Books: Heartache Spoken Here, Roll With the Punches, Blues Beach

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