I have to have music when I write. I have tinnitus, and music is a necessity for me to drown that out.

Certain books, I have “generic” music playlists I use, certain artists or albums or compilation playlists that I know by heart and it becomes background “noise” to help me focus.

Other times, certain songs speak to me about particular books.

The “filthy priest story” coming up is one such book, Come in From the Cold (Suncoast Society 77, MM, BDSM, writing as Tymber Dalton).

It’s a teenaged-lovers-reunited story, a literal prodigal son returning from being gone twenty-five years.

Connor, the Dom, is a bastard–for legit reasons, as you’ll soon learn.

Douglas, the former priest, has survived heartbreak no one should endure.

And together, the two men are sinfully electric.

I’ve posted an entire YouTube playlist about music that fits different portions of the book, but there are some key songs from their story that perfectly and completely encapsulate the emotions of what I felt writing it. And I include a full playlist in the book as well (it’s at the end of the book).

(Note: if you don’t see the videos, click through the links to YouTube.)

The first is “21 Summer” by Brothers Osborne. This would be the mood of the beginning of the book, for both men but especially Douglas, even though it’s Connor who likes country. (Douglas is a heavy rock and roll kind of guy–think Three Days Grace, Cavo, Anew Revolution.)


Douglas, whom we meet first, can be “summed up” near the beginning of the book by “I Bet My Life” by Imagine Dragons. (And this video is pretty close both in message and emotion to the book.)


“Words We Couldn’t Say” from the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack fits in more than one way, both the message and literally it was a show the men watched together as boys, Connor introducing Douglas to anime back then, something they bonded over together, as well as their love of music.


I’ll warn you now, you probably won’t like Connor, at first. (Even my editor called him a bastard. LOL) Just keep in mind that first impressions can be deceiving. “Someone New” by Hozier definitely captures Connor at that point in his life, the mood of the video and the song itself. Except that he doesn’t fall in love–his heart belongs to only one person and only has ever belonged to one person. It captures his loneliness perfectly though, how “lost” he truly is, the void he tries to fill and fails to do so.


We get a feeling midway through the story of “I Don’t Remember Me (Before You)” by Brothers Osborne.


Connor’s summation anthem toward the end of the book would be “Next to Me” by Imagine Dragons. (This is a powerful video that doesn’t reflect the book’s events at all, but the emotions of the song itself do.) Connor carries a lot of pain for a lot of reasons, and Douglas knows this and loves him–loved him as a kid and still loves him twenty-five years later. His character arc makes a wide journey.


If it was a movie, the ending credits could probably roll to “Pushing Up Daisies (Love Alive)” by Brothers Osborne. (So I hope that helps you give Connor a chance. LOL)


Come in From the Cold releases July 16, so keep an eye on my newsletter for a pre-order notice.


Although it broke his heart to leave, Douglas never thought he’d see Connor again. Douglas truly believed becoming a priest was the only way to save both their souls. But when a beloved friend from college arrives at his rectory, he can’t turn his back on her. Now he’s newly widowed, and the father of a newborn.

Connor’s heart has never healed from losing Douglas. Despite twenty-five years passing, Connor hopes the old promise he extracted—show up, and he’d never turn his back on him—might one day come to pass. Meanwhile, he’ll raise his daughter and steal what little bits of personal time he can to help ease his lonely existence.

Yet fate is cruelly kind. Connor’s boy has returned…except he became the one thing Connor cannot ever accept. The Church created bottomless wounds in Connor’s soul that have never healed. Is Douglas strong enough to withstand Connor’s righteous wrath, or will both men’s hearts remain forever frozen?

Note: It takes up to 6 weeks for my Siren-BookStrand-published books to be released to third-party sites after their BookStrand release. I have no control over that, that’s up to my publisher. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. For other tablets/devices, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad.

You can see the entire Suncoast Society series reading order and information about the series on its page. Click Here

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Plus the three books in my Governor Trilogy (writing as Lesli Richardson) are available for pre-order everywhere.

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#storymusic – Come in From the Cold (Suncoast Society)
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