Write Your Ass Off: #amazonfail Amazon’s love/hate with erotica.

Shocker (not) Amazon’s at it again shuffling titles into adult categories (meaning unsearchable) willy-nilly. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/10/amazons-lovehate-with-erotica.html In case you missed it… Impact (Suncoast Society 32, MMF, BDSM) is now available for pre-order. And it features Tilly, Cris, and Landry. 🙂   

KU info and Amazon WTFery – Reviews rejected/removed?

Two different ‘Zon topics to touch upon today, the new KU/KOLL payment structure, and the ‘Zon’s sooper-seekret sawce algorithm review removal process for…reasons? (What reasons, apparently, we’re not allowed to know.) New KU/KOLL Payment Structure Hugh Howey (as always) does a great job with going through the points: http://www.hughhowey.com/great-ku-flip-2015/ Susan Kay Quinn also dissects it: … Read More

Wow. Amazon, reality-challenged, much?

Okay, let me state up front, I am NOT an Amazon hater. Nor am I a “hater” of Hachette. I hate stupidity. I make a majority of my sales via Amazon. I would say that 75% of my earnings probably come from there. So I’m no rabid-anti-‘Zonian, at all. (And believe me, that’s not anywhere close to … Read More

New titles in print.

Time for a little catch-up. LOL Still getting all the book pages added to the site, but meanwhile, several more titles of mine have appeared in print: Two Geeks and Their Girl, Pinch Me (Suncoast Series 6), Hope Heals, Without Porpoise (Placida Pod 3) and Porpoisefully Yours (Placida Pod 4). I’ll update the books’ pages here, … Read More

"It’s a Sweet Life" on Amazon and in print.

For those of you who’ve been waiting, It’s a Sweet Life is now available on Amazon and other third-party sites in both e-book format and in print. (Look for book 1 in the series, Many Blessings, from Siren-BookStrand this May!) You can find my author pages on the Amazon store as both Tymber Daltonand Lesli Richardson. … Read More

Amazon’s at it again — no more tags.

Well, Amazon apparently is continuing along their “if it’s not broke, let’s break it!” course of action. The latest victim? Tags. Yep. If you go look at book pages, tags are gone. Which means it’s more difficult than ever to find similar books, or get into the discussion boards (because why on EARTH would a … Read More

Writer Beware: Amazon KDP account settings

I got this tidbit from Indie BookSpot blog this morning. If you sell your books on Amazon KDP, go check your account settings. Chances are, your US payment was switched from EFT to check. When I checked, yep, sure enough, they’d done it to me, too. Worse, my address is outdated, still at our other … Read More