Even Hitler had a dog…

Concerning the Charles Michael Segaloff / Michael Makai arrest. I’d like to address a point the troll on my original post brought up. To clarify for the idiots who didn’t get it from context, I’m sure there are PLENTY of very nice people in that BDSM Without the BS Facebook group who are appalled at Segaloff’s alleged actions involving … Read More

Consent 101 #BDSM #ConsentMatters

In light of the Michael Makai / Charles Michael Segaloff arrest, I’m going to reiterate the basics of consent when it comes to BDSM. This really is not a difficult topic to grok for most people, but apparently some self-appointed BDSM “gurus” like Mr. Makai/Segaloff  and others need a reminder. For starters, watch this: Consent is … Read More