Available for Pre-Order: By the Embers Dies the Fire (Triple Trouble 9)

Available for Pre-Order: By the Embers Dies the Fire (Triple Trouble 9)

Now available for pre-order: By the Embers Dies the Fire (Triple Trouble 9, mfmm): http://www.bookstrand.com/book/by-the-embers-dies-the-fire Description Growing up, Elain Lyall had always wished for a large family. Be careful what you wish for. Especially when you have a seriously unhinged brother-in-law like Brighton, who’s perilously close to unraveling everything Elain’s trying to hold together. Uncle … Read More

March? ALREADY?? Ugh.

I can’t believe it’s freaking MARCH already. Seriously, I. Can’t. Even. I got By the Embers Dies the Fire (Triple Trouble 8) submitted yesterday to Siren. (So please either call off the voodoo dolls, or someone scratch that dang itch in the middle of my back that I can’t reach, thanks!) I won’t be updating … Read More