Coming Soon: "Many Blessings" (Coffeeshop Coven 1)

No cover yet, but here’s the blurb for Many Blessings (Coffeeshop Coven 1), the next book in the Coffeeshop Coven series. It’s a mfm menage, and Mandaline’s story. Tentative release date is May 3rd. Description Mandaline Royce swore off love. She’s happy working for her best friend, Julie, at her New Age shop, Many Blessings. … Read More

Release Day: "It’s a Sweet Life" (Coffeeshop Coven)

Woot! It’s release day for “It’s a Sweet Life,” a prequel for my new Coffeeshop Coven Series from Siren-BookStrand: Description Libbie Addams has a mortgage on her struggling bakery, no love life, no health insurance…and fibromyalgia. She’s worried about making ends meet when two hunks show up to rent her extra apartment. Not only … Read More

"It’s a Sweet Life" available for pre-order!

Woot! “It’s a Sweet Life” just went live for pre-order on Siren-BookStrand’s site: Description Libbie Addams has a mortgage on her struggling bakery, no love life, no health insurance…and fibromyalgia. She’s worried about making ends meet when two hunks show up to rent her extra apartment. Not only do cousins Ken Dougherty and Charles … Read More

What’s next?

So what am I working on now? Yes, Tony’s story (The Denim Dom) is in the works. I’m taking my time and not rushing his story because I’m allergic to being lynched by my readers. LOL The biggies on my plate right now are book 4 in the Deep Space Mission Corps series, “Out of … Read More

Review: "Out of the Darkness"

Received a review for “Out of the Darkness” from The Romance Reviews! “Nevertheless, this is still an enjoyable book with some freaky paranormal events. This book is recommended to paranormal readers who aren’t afraid of ghosts. If you enjoy happily ever after, this is a book is for you, but with a fitting twist.” Click … Read More

New reviews!

A few new reviews to crow about! 🙂 “Red Tide” received 4 stars from The Romance Reviews: “The story moved at a smooth pace with not a single stray thread. There were times where I thought Ms. Dalton missed a point only to have her bring it up later in the story to connect all … Read More

"Red Tide" – A little backstory.

My latest release, “Red Tide,” is officially available today. I love this book because it was the manuscript I was actively working on when I first met Hubby (aka “The World’s Greatest Husband(TM)). We were both members of the Novels-L critique list through the Internet Writing Workshop, and he was one of the people critiquing … Read More

"Red Tide" releases tomorrow!

I’m so excited, my newest release, “Red Tide,” comes out tomorrow! You can pre-order it now so as soon as it’s available, you can download it without waiting. 🙂 Description [Siren Classic: Erotic Romantic Suspense, HEA] Dive charter captain Mitch Jackson is ready to divorce her cheating ex and take a chance on romance … Read More

Adult Excerpt: "Red Tide"

This is an adult excerpt from my novel, “Red Tide,” from Siren-BookStrand: Description [Siren Classic: Erotic Romantic Suspense, HEA] Dive charter captain Mitch Jackson is ready to divorce her cheating ex and take a chance on romance with friend and business partner Ed Grey. She’s tired of her love life being on hold. Truth … Read More

"Red Tide" now available for pre-order!

My newest release, “Red Tide,” is now available for pre-order! While the stand-alone start to a new series, you’ll see characters from “Out of the Darkness” pop up in it. 🙂 AVAILABLE: Monday, May 7th Description [Siren Classic: Erotic Romantic Suspense, HEA] Dive charter captain Mitch Jackson is ready to divorce her cheating ex … Read More

Adult Excerpt: "Out of the Darkness"

Did you enjoy my paranormal thriller “Dead Moon Rising” (writing as Macy Largo)? Then please take a look at my book, “Out of the Darkness.” I’m pleased to announce that my 2010 EPIC winner is now available from Siren-BookStrand! The original publisher forced me to cut several scenes totalling nearly 10k words, so I’ve restored … Read More

Shiny New Book Cover: "Red Tide"

It’s shiny new book cover time! 🙂 I’m proud to show off my new cover for “Red Tide,” coming soon from Siren-BookStrand. While it is a stand-alone story (and the first of several in a series), there is an appearance by Sami and Matt from “Out of the Darkness.” Stay tuned to my Siren-BookStrand author … Read More

Yay! It’s release day for "Out of the Darkness!"

Woot! It’s release day!! 🙂 I’m pleased to announce that my 2010 EPIC winner (horror) “Out of the Darkness” is being re-released by Siren-BookStrand, and it’s now available!! The original publisher forced me to cut several scenes totalling nearly 10k words, so I’ve restored them for this version. Description [Siren Classic: Erotic Contemporary Paranormal … Read More