Subscribe to my newsletter and never miss an update! Whew. I’m not exactly dug out of #deadlinehell but I’m no longer treading water (for now) and feel like I’m standing on the bottom again. Again, for now. I have to
(Note: I’m going to be extremely careful what freebies I post going forward. I have a feeling in the past I might have unknowingly shared “stuffed” books, and I want to make sure I don’t do that in the future.
So what am I reading right now? Just finished PREY by Cari Silverwood. It’s not your typical romance… LOL It’s sci-fi, little bit of dubcon, and there’s a stoneshifter. Ooooh, boy. 🙂 But it’s hawwwt, and it’s short, and definitely
Another quick freebie post, because a few popped up on my radar since the last one. (Remember, affiliate fees used in some places to make me a few extra pennies while not costing you a dime.) First, the bill-paying. LOL
(Reminder that I use affiliate links to make a few pennies and it doesn’t cost you a dime.) It’s that time again! Freeeeeebies. Who doesn’t love them? (Well, we like them being free, sometimes they aren’t that fantastic. Win some,
(Amazon affiliate link codes are included. Doesn’t cost you a penny, but makes me a few extra cents.) Woot! Bestie Ravenna Tate has a new book out, first in a new series, and it is delicious!!! Bloodlust (Unlicensed to Kill
Before we get to the freebies, I have bills to pay. LOL Monday (12/11) is the release of Love Slave for Two: Retribution (Book 6). It’s available for pre-order now! Yes, there will be more books in that series.
Whew! What a week. I hate the “short” months because it’s a day lost on my deadline. Exhausted, massive fibro flare pain from stress and the weather, and just wishing I’d hit the Powerball. LOL I heard Scrivener (the software
(I include affiliate codes because it makes me a few extra pennies without costing you a dime.) Are you going to be at Shameless Book Con 2018 in Orlando? (October 19-21, 2018) I will! I’m a confirmed signing author. Hope
Haven’t done one of these in a while. First of all, standard disclaimer that I use affiliate links, because it makes me a few extra pennies and doesn’t cost you a cent. Bestie Ravenna Tate has a new series out,
I haven’t done one of these in a while. (Bad Tymber, no cookie.) Time for a #FreebieAlert and some shout-outs for #PeepPimpage. As always, I’ve included affiliate links, because it earns me a few extra pennies and doesn’t cost you
Thanks for all the release day well-wishes yesterday. I crashed hard and finally got some sleep, so I’m sorry if I haven’t thanked everyone personally for that. (In case you missed it, it’s Similar to Rain, Suncoast Society 46, MM,
I’ve got a book coming out Friday! A Kinkmas Carol (Suncoast Society 41, BDSM). Yes, it’s a Kaden book. (Sequel/prequel to The Reluctant Dom.) No, I’m not providing you with tissues, sorry. (Not in my budget, and I recommend a
*Despite Hubby and Sir’s and several friends’ best efforts, Tymber chews through her straitjacket straps, logs into website, and flashes manic Xanaxed grin* Did something happen last week? *cue crazed Joker giggling* Nothing? Nothing at all? Ahem. Seriously, it’s only
*Psst!* Hey, you! Yeah, you. Come here. *Raises flap of weird huge pile of blanket-covered…stuff…to show you everyone happily coloring and reading and bopping their heads to #Hamilton inside.* Want to join us inside? We already did OUR part and