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Whew. I’m not exactly dug out of #deadlinehell but I’m no longer treading water (for now) and feel like I’m standing on the bottom again.

Again, for now. I have to start getting the mountain of stuff on my dining room table ready to take to Shameless Book Con next week, including assembling the pre-orders (y’all are getting goodie bags) and my giveaways and stuff. If you’re going, Trish and I will be there! (Look for the unicorn. LOL I do have two banners so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding us.)

Did not need what turned out to be self-inflicted computer issues getting The Great Turning: Into the Turn finalized and posted. (Nearly full hard drive, exhausted and botched attempt to un-full it meant files deleted that I should not have deleted. UGH.)

First of all, thank you for the inquiries about Hubby and me–we are not in the path of Hurricane Michael. We are getting rain from outer bands, but that’s nothing. Unfortunately, this massive storm is going to devastate our state’s capital.


Happy new release to Lexi Blake! The latest in her re-released Bliss series, Found in Bliss, is now available. She originally wrote this series as Sophie Oak, but when she got the rights back to them, she reworked them, added new material, and is now re-releasing them. Woohoo!! (I love this series, if you couldn’t tell.)

Found in Bliss (Nights in Bliss, Colorado, Book 5) by Lexi Blake (Sophie Oak)

My Latest Tymber Release

Glen, Wade, and Justin are back in Disorder in the House (Suncoast Society, MMM, BDSM) writing as Tymber Dalton.

Click here for more info.

Tymber’s Latest Pre-Orders

Have you pre-ordered Suit and Tied (Suncoast Society, MF, BDSM) writing as Tymber Dalton.


Cali and Marcia have a plan to drum up publicity for both Venture and the Two Crafty Bastards Toys website. So they set up a photo-shoot at the BDSM club, featuring several of their volunteers and friends in a variety of poses.

The theme? Suits.

Trying to coax a group of headstrong Doms out of their Friday-casual jeans and khakis and into sinfully sexy suits is tougher than corralling Baxter, Cali’s nip-addicted kinky cat. But when their respective partners get a look at the group of hunky, drool-worthy Doms all dressed up to the nines, you can make a safe bet it’s not just tongues that will be tied!

Note: It takes up to 6 weeks for my Siren-BookStrand-published books to be released to third-party sites after their initial release. I have no control over that, that’s up to them. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. For other tablets/devices, you can buy other format files and either download them or transfer them to your device.

Also, Happy Spank-O-Ween (Suncoast Society, BDSM, various) writing as Tymber Dalton, is available for pre-order:

You can see the entire Suncoast Society series reading order and information about the series on its page. Click Here

New in Print

Bleacke Spirit (Bleacke Shifters 4), writing as Lesli Richardson, is now available in e-book and in print. Right now, only in print on Amazon, but I’m hoping to get a wider distribution on that over the next couple of months. All four books in the series are now available in print! Book 5 will be out in May, 2019. Click for info and buy links.

Hubby’s Latest Releases

Hubby has two new releases:

The Great Turning: Into the Turn (Book 2)

It’s now live on Kindle, Google, Smashwords, and will be popping up live by Friday elsewhere (you can pre-order it). If you took part in the GoFundMe, I’ll be sending out links to download the file in the next 24-48 hours.

Click here for info and buy links.

Have you met the Governor?

All three books in the Governor Trilogy (Governor, Lieutenant, and Chief), writing as Lesli Richardson, are now available in print and e-book!

More Pre-Orders…

The Determination Trilogy (Dignity, Diligence, and Desire) is available for pre-order on Kindle and everywhere else. This is a standalone spin-off trilogy set in the same world as the Governor Trilogy. (Click on the graphic for details.) You’ll want to pre-order now at the lower price, because the price will be going up to $4.99 each after release. The first chapter of Dignity is available in the back of the e-book version of Chief as a sneak peek.

Also, the Devastation Trilogy (Dirge, Solace, Release) is available for pre-order on many sites but not Kindle yet. It’s another standalone spin-off trilogy also set in the same world as the Governor Trilogy, and features George.

Coming Soon
Series Info
Spreadsheet of Buy Links

What’s coming next?

Latest Releases:

Coming Soon | Pre-Orders
Spreadsheet of Buy Links | Series Info | Audiobooks
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Tymber’s Amazon Author Page | Lesli’s Amazon Author Page
Tymber’s BookBub Page | Lesli’s BookBub Page
My Siren-BookStrand Author Page
Hubby’s Amazon Author Page as Jon Dalton
Hubby’s Amazon Author Page as Haley Jordan

10/10/18: Catch-up Post – New releases, pre-orders, #PeepPimpage, & more.
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