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Have you read the sneak peek of Chapter One from Governor (Governor Trilogy 1) (writing as Lesli Richardson)?

Click Here to Read Chapter One

“Tymber, I didn’t know you write as Lesli Richardson. Why do you write as Lesli?”

*points up at my website header graphic LOL*

I get this question…a LOT. LOL

For starters, Lesli is my real name. When I first started publishing fiction, Hubby was working for a local county government in a fairly visible position, and we weren’t sure what their reaction would be, thus “Tymber” was born for my more erotic books. By the time we sorted out that no, they didn’t give a rat’s patoot what I wrote, I was already published both as Lesli and Tymber.

Now, Tymber is contractually exclusive to Siren-BookStrand. So I self-publish as Lesli, books which really don’t fall inside their niche/guidelines. It allows me the freedom to write what I want, like my Bleacke Shifters series, the Governor Trilogy, The Great Turning Trilogy, and more. Those books range everywhere from sci-fi to romance.

And no, do NOT worry — I am STILL writing as Tymber!

You can find a full listing of my Lesli titles, including pre-orders, right here on my website! CLICK HERE

Available for Pre-Order:

Searching for a Heart (Suncoast Society, MF, BDSM) writing as Tymber Dalton.

Note: It takes up to 6 weeks for my Siren-BookStrand-published books to be released to third-party sites after their BookStrand release. I have no control over that, that’s up to my publisher. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. For other tablets/devices, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad.

You can see the entire Suncoast Society series reading order and information about the series on its page.

Click Here

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Are you ready to meet the Governor? Read Chapter One now! (NSFW)
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