Raspberries…beware the Nomasaurus Sheldon!

I can’t help it. He’s adorable. No, I’m not biased at allllll. LOL Santa brought Sheldon raspberries and a zucchini for Christmas. Usually he only gets a diet of a variety of different greens, with occasional squash. I rarely give him fruit. (But hey, it’s Christmas. LOL) Reminder: Always research THOROUGHLY before you buy a reptile. … Read More

Dogs vs. Cats: The Wake-up.

When you’re feeling like crap and trying to wake up, it is once again a stark reminder about the differences between dogs and cats. Dogs will be your buddy and try to wake you up gently. Gidget this morning cuddled next to me, checking on me, making sure I’m alive and breathing and amongst the … Read More

Happy Sunday, peeps! New releases, TV chat.

It’s that final deadline crunch week of the month. Tomorrow is the release day for Flying Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 6) YAY! Less than twenty-four hours to go. And in case you missed it, YES, I FINALLY got Geek Chic (Bleacke Shifters 2) released. It’s available on several sites right now, still waiting for Kobo, Nook, … Read More

This is my rock…

I made a Lowes run yesterday to get stuff to make a top for Sheldon’s tub because Grimmy keeps stealing his greens from his bowl. I also bought him a new basking rock, which he adores. He won’t stay off it. LOL

Blessed Mabon, peeps! And Gidget’s new minion.

Blessed Mabon, peeps! (Or Happy Autumnal Equinox for everyone else in the northern hemisphere. LOL) Spent a very long, wonderful weekend at Florida Power Exchange. Physically exhausting, but mentally and emotionally recharging. This was their second year, and I’ve been honored to be a judge both years now. It’s a great weekend of classes and … Read More