Wow, ten years!

Wow, ten years!

Subscribe to my newsletter and never miss an update! Ten years ago today, on 08/08/08, my very first fiction book was published by Amira Press, Love and Brimstone (Brimstone Vampires 1), writing as Lesli Richardson. It’s since been re-released by Siren under my Tymber Dalton pen name, with additional material restored. (And yes, I do … Read More



Sign up for my newsletter! Every once in a while, I’ll see a comment, usually on Facebook or in a review, that goes something like this: “It’s like Tymber has an agenda or something.” I don’t believe it’s merely a coincidence that one of those kinds of comments is pretty much always referring to a … Read More

#writerslife (the one-post version)

I have learned how to post animated .gifs on Twitter. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I immediately posted a seizure-inducing series of them under the #writerslife hashtag. A couple of them were too big to publish there, so I’m adding them in here. (Hopefully they render correctly on here or this post will suck. If … Read More

Why do we need the Oxford comma?

If you’re wondering WHY we need the Oxford comma… Last time I checked, Nelson Mandela–even when alive–was not an 800-year-old demigod who collected dildos. (Although that might have been an interesting side note to his biography if he were…)

How’s your NaNoWriMo going?

*Hands you a weedwhacker and a flamethrower.* How’s the NaNo project going, bunky? Feeling a little overwhelmed? Struggling? In the weeds? Stop. No, I don’t mean stop writing, I mean stop worrying. No one’s going to kill you if you don’t get the book done, and the worrying and stressing IS killing your creativity. Write. The. … Read More

Write Your Ass Off: NaNoWriMo edition 1

Nope, not doing NaNo this year. Too busy, unfortunately. But I posted a list of some books I truly feel are must-haves for any writer’s library over on the Write Your Ass Off blog. I’ll put up a couple more lists over the next few days.