#Cockygate – WTF? The summation.

#Cockygate – WTF? The summation.

Coming Soon | Pre-Orders | Series Info You’ve probably been hearing about #cockygate the past couple of weeks and might be wondering WTF is that? Long story short: A fairly newbie writer (Faleena Hopkins) decided she was going to trademark a common word, “cocky,” and then started going after other writers who’d used it in their book … Read More

If I had a superpower…

This random thought is prompted by a picture someone posted in the Trybe. That’s not the superpower I’d want. I want something…different. I’d want the ability to point at someone (or a group of people) and make them spontaneously orgasm. Hear me out. Think of how it would stop wars? Fighting while jizzing one’s pants? … Read More

Clean Reader app update

Chuck Wendig has posted an update about the Clean Reader app fracas. I, personally, have written the company and requested removal of any of my books that might be in their system. I also alerted my publisher, who will be looking into it, making sure none of our books are included in the app, and … Read More

Still More Ellora’s Cave vs. Dear Author WTFery.

I should have waited to post my last update. Since then, there was a filing that Courtney Milan (as per usual) did a great job of parsing into plain English. http://www.courtneymilan.com/ramblings/2015/02/24/motion-to-quash-gag-orders-notchilled/ Then, there was this article. http://www.vulture.com/2015/02/amazon-tina-engler-erotica.html Um, whut? I need a graphic…hold on.         No, still not quite right… Noo, not … Read More

#noflipperaction American Horror Story: Freak Show

WTheactualFUCK!!??!!! WTF did I just watch last night???? LOL #noflipperaction MUST become a hashtag. MUST. I’m not even kidding. You know, I never USED to have a problem with clowns… Past tense. I will admit, I’d only seen ONE episode, ever, of the previous seasons, and that was only because a friend of mine actually … Read More