I know, you guys have been amazing to wait so patiently for this next installment, and I appreciate it. Yes, the characters are still talking to me but I don’t know when the next books will come out. I have other characters screaming more loudly right now.

Now available – Love Slave for Two: Retribution (Book 6) by Tymber Dalton.


Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites by my publisher after their initial release on the Siren-BookStrand site. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad 


In the immediate aftermath of storms literal and metaphorical, Nevvie in particular has drawn the focus of law enforcement. She’s their prime suspect, and it doesn’t matter the victim was a proven psycho—murder is murder.

Tom and Tyler know not only is Nevvie innocent, no one in their inner circle could or would have committed the murder, no matter how justified it might have been. The problem is proving it.

Add to that the fact that whoever pulled the trigger now appears to be stalking them. With everyone close to them under suspicion, the trouble is weeding through the facts to uncover the truth. Especially when Andrew goes rogue and falsely confesses in an attempt to muddy the waters and protect their family.

Except…the reality is even more shocking, and the stalker closer, than any of them expected. As Nevvie’s life hangs in the balance, can they expose the dark and complicated truth before it’s too late?

AND…do you have book 5? Love Slave for Two: Resilience

Love Slave for Two series page

Look what’s available on Kindle and other third-party sites: Never Too Late for Love (Suncoast Society 60, MMMF, BDSM, reverse harem).

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Bob never dreamed he’d have a chance with Tilly once Landry entered her life. Now he’s faced with the chance of forever with not only Tilly, but Cris and Landry, too. He’s never wanted anything more, and will do anything to convince them he means it.

Cris always knew Landry was sneaky, but this takes the cake. He enjoys watching the metaphorical chess game between Landry and Tilly. Meanwhile, he’s determined to forge his own bonds with Bob.

Tilly knows Landry is an ethical sadist, but still isn’t sure why he’s so okay with adding Bob to their family. She can play the game as well as the sneaky sadist can. As Landry works to convince her this new world order won’t destroy their carefully balanced dynamic, she knows they have to get things right or risk not only their hearts being broken, but their daughter’s, too. Is this really perfection? Or is heartache hiding just out of sight?

Related Books: Tilly, Landry, and Cris first appear in Cardinal’s Rule. Also, check out Click, ImpactHappy Valenkink’s Day. Bob’s story is told in Borderline, Never Too Late for Love.

Are you going to be at Shameless Book Con 2018 in Orlando? (October 19-21, 2018) I will! I’m a confirmed signing author. Hope to see you there!

Don’t forget to sign up for my e-mail newsletter! I’m going to be running a series of giveaways, including a Kindle Fire!


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Now Available – Love Slave for Two: Retribution (Book 6)
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