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I know, I know, I’m sorry The Great Turning 3 and Poly have been pushed back a couple of weeks. After my total brain-fart getting the correct files uploaded for the Determination Trilogy at the end of December, I decided something had to give. Between fibro flares and pain levels and stress and deadlines, I needed to step back and breathe. Plus, I took on a side project that I think everyone can agree is a worthy one, and I needed to make time in my schedule for it.

Some of you know author Doris O’Connor was battling cancer. Several authors came together to create an anthology to benefit her and her family. Unfortunately, she passed away on 1/11/19. The anthology, Passion, Pleasure, Pain: An anthology of Dominance and submission is still being released on 2/14/19. We were hoping to have it finished before she died, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. Doris was an amazing woman, and with nine children, her family is devastated by her loss, as are all of us who knew how sweet and special she was. She wasn’t just a great writer–she was a fantastic person.

I designed the cover and wrote a story for the anthology as Lesli Richardson, called Yes, Governor (Governor Trilogy 3.5).

The pre-orders are starting to go live, and as the organizer passes the links on to us, I’ll update the universal book link. Right now, it’s up on Smashwords, and will be coming to other retail sites. All proceeds will go to Doris’ family, and authors, editors, and others have donated time and services to put this project together. (Purple was Doris’ favorite color, which is why we used it in the color scheme.)

Pre-order Links:

Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA)
Kindle (AU) | Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT)
Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX) | Kindle (BR)
Kindle (IN) | Kindle (NL)
Kindle (ES) | Kindle (FR)

Google | Nook | iTunes | Kobo | Smashwords

If you have blog, or if you just want to help spread the word about the anthology once it’s up for pre-order, you can sign up for the promo blitz another of the authors is putting together. Getting the word out will be greatly appreciated! None of us are taking any money for this–everything will be given to Doris’ family.

Click here to sign up for the promo blitz.

In other news…

I’m also going to be attending Wild Wicked Weekend in San Antonio in February, and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there! I’ll have print books for sale, and will be taking part in a couple of panels.

I appreciate your patience, and I think everyone can agree no one wants a repeat of my clusterfuck with the Determination Trilogy pre-order fiasco. head/desk As soon as I get the files uploaded for pre-orders for TFT3 and Poly (a very short one) I’ll let everyone know. And once again, massive mea culpa from me for the fuck-up with the files. Totally a brainfart on my part, and definitely a wake-up call that, as Hubby and my friends have been scolding me, I need to take a step back and breathe, because I’ve been attempting to cram too much into too short of a time period, with not nearly enough spoons to do it all, and I finally had a very humbling face-plant as a result. I totally own that screw-up.

Also, I’ve had people asking what else is coming as Lesli in the world of the Governor Trilogy, and I’ll be publishing (to start) two more trilogies, the Inequitable Trilogy (Leo, Jordan, and Ethan) and the Deviant Trilogy (Draymond, Gregory, and Ethan). There will be other books/trilogies set in that world, because those characters are all excited to talk to me, but those will be the next two after the Devastation Trilogy. I’ve made the covers for those myself, and I have to say I have a LOT of fun doing that. Helps me stretch my creative brain in a different direction.

I’ll be fitting those in around my Tymber books, don’t worry. No end in sight to the Suncoast Society series, and I’m working on the Triple Trouble and Good Will Ghost Hunting books (among others).

I’ve just finished the print formatting for the Determination Trilogy and will let everyone know once those are finalized.

If you haven’t grabbed Bleacke’s Geek (Bleacke Shifters 1) for free yet, grab it soon. I’ll be taking it off free at the end of the month.

If you haven’t caught up on my Tymber releases, I have several that are still exclusive on BookStrand, so if you don’t want to wait for them to hit Kindle et al, you can buy them directly from BookStrand:

I’ve been asked if my Lesli books will be there, and no, because those are self-published. (Well, there’s currently one there that Siren published, my very first book with them years ago.) So it honestly doesn’t matter what vendor you purchase my Lesli books from, because I make full price on those. My Tymber books, yes, I do make a little more if you buy them from BookStrand versus third-party sites, but I’d prefer you buy from wherever’s easiest for you. As long as you’re legally buying them, that’s all I care about, honestly. I’m just happy that you’re buying them, and truly appreciate it!

I hope everyone’s having a good January and staying safe and warm. Thanks for reading! ((HUGS))

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What’s Next, 01/23/2019 Edition.
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